October 19, 2018


Capita Plc Most Frequently Asked Latest SSAS Interview Questions Answers

What Is The Difference Between Ssas 2005 And Ssas2008?

In 2005 its not possible to create an empty cube but in 2008 we can create an empty cube.
A new feature in Analysis Services 2008 is the Attribute Relationships tab in the Dimension Designer . to implement attribute relationship is complex in ssas 2005
we can create ONLY 2000 partitions per Measure Group in ssas 2005 and the same limit of partitions is removed in ssas 2008.

How You Provide Security To Cube?

By defining roles we provide security to cubes. Using roles we can restrict users from accessing restricted data.

Procedure as follows

Define Role
Set Permission
Add appropriate Users to the role

What Is The Maximum Size Of A Dimension?

The maximum size of the dimension is 4 gb.

What Is Deploy, Process And Build?

Bulid: Verifies the project files and create several local files.
Deploy: Deploy the structure of the cube(Skeleton) to the server.
Process: Read the data from the source and build the dimensions and cube structures

What Are Actions, How Many Types Of Actions Are There, Explain With Example?

Actions are powerful way of extending the value of SSAS cubes for the end user. They can click on a cube or portion of a cube to start an application with the selected item as a parameter, or to retrieve information about the selected item.

One of the objects supported by a SQL Server Analysis Services cube is the action. An action is an event that a user can initiate when accessing cube data. The event can take a number of forms. For example, a user might be able to view a Reporting Services report, open a Web page, or drill through to detailed information related to the cube data

Analysis Services supports three types of actions..

Report action: Report action Returns a Reporting Services report that is associated with the cube data on which the action is based.
Drill through: Drillthrough Returns a result set that provides detailed information related to the cube data on which the action is based.
Standard: Standard has five action subtypes that are based on the specified cube data.
Dataset: Returns a multidimensional dataset.
Proprietary: Returns a string that can be interpreted by a client application.
Rowset: Returns a tabular rowset.
Statement: Returns a command string that can be run by a client application.
URL:  Returns a URL that can be opened by a client application, usually a browser.
Capita Plc Most Frequently Asked Latest SSAS Interview Questions Answers
Capita Plc Most Frequently Asked Latest SSAS Interview Questions Answers

What Are Kpis And What Is Its Use?

In Analysis Services, a KPI is a collection of calculations that are associated with a measure group in a cube that are used to evaluate business success. We use KPI to see the business at the particular point, this is represents with some graphical items such as traffic signals,ganze etc

What Is Perspective, Have You Ever Created Perspective?

Perspectives are a way to reduce the complexity of cubes by hidden elements like measure groups, measures, dimensions, hierarchies etc. It’s nothing but slicing of a cube, for ex we are having retail and hospital data and end user is subscribed to see only hospital data, then we can create perspective according to it.

What Are Aggregations And Its Use?

Aggregations provide performance improvements by allowing Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) to retrieve pre-calculated totals directly from cube storage instead of having to recalculate data from an underlying data source for each query. To design these aggregations, you can use the Aggregation Design Wizard.

This wizard guides you through the following steps

Selecting standard or custom settings for the storage and caching options of a partition, measure group, or cube.
Providing estimated or actual counts for objects referenced by the partition, measure group, or cube.
Specifying aggregation options and limits to optimize the storage and query performance delivered by designed aggregations.
Saving and optionally processing the partition, measure group, or cube to generate the defined aggregations.
After you use the Aggregation Design Wizard, you can use the Usage-Based Optimization Wizard to design aggregations based on the usage patterns of the business users and client applications that query the cube.

What Is The Minimum And Maximum Number Of Partitions Required For A Measure Group?

In 2005 a MAX of 2000 partitions can be created per measure group and that limit is lifted in later versions.
In any version the MINIMUM is ONE Partition per measure group.

What Is Partition, How Will You Implement It?

You can use the Partition Wizard to define partitions for a measure group in a cube. By default, a single partition is defined for each measure group in a cube. Access and processing performance, however, can degrade for large partitions. By creating multiple partitions, each containing a portion of the data for a measure group, you can improve the access and processing performance for that measure group.

What Are Calculated Members And What Is Its Use?

Calculations are item in the cube that are eveluated at runtime

Calculated members: You can create customized measures or dimension members, called calculated members, by combining cube data, arithmetic operators, numbers, and/or functions.

Example: You can create a calculated member called Marks that converts dollars to marks by multiplying an existing dollar measure by a conversion rate. Marks can then be displayed to end users in a separate row or column. Calculated member definitions are stored, but their values exist only in memory. In the preceding example, values in marks are displayed to end users but are not stored as cube data.

What Is Regular Type, No Relation Type, Fact Type, Referenced Type, Many-to-many Type With Example?

No relationship: The dimension and measure group are not related.
Regular: The dimension table is joined directly to the fact table.
Referenced: The dimension table is joined to an intermediate table, which in turn,is joined to the fact table.
Many to many:The dimension table is to an intermediate fact table,the intermediate fact table is joined , in turn, to an intermediate dimension table to which the fact table is joined.
Data mining:The target dimension is based on a mining model built from the source dimension. The source dimension must also be included in the cube.
Fact table: The dimension table is the fact table.

What Is Role Playing Dimension With Two Examples?

Role play dimensions: We already discussed about this. This is nothing but CONFIRMED Dimensions. A dimension can play different role in a fact table you can recognize a roleplay dimension when there are multiple columns in a fact table that each have foreign keys to the same dimension table.

Ex1: There are three dimension keys in the factinternalsales,factresellersales tables which all refer to the dimtime table,the same time dimension is used  to track sales by that contain either of these fact table,the corresponding  role-playing dimension are automatically added to the cube.

Ex2 : In retail banking, for checking account cube we could have transaction date dimension and effective date dimension. Both dimensions have date, month, quarter and year attributes. The formats of attributes are the same on both dimensions, for example the date attribute is in ‘dd-mm-yyyy’ format. Both dimensions have members from 1993 to 2010.

What Is Scd (slowly Changing Dimension)?

Slowly changing dimensions (SCD) determine how the historical changes in the dimension tables are handled. Implementing the SCD mechanism enables users to know to which category an item belonged to in any given date.

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