June 2, 2019


Marketo CSS Interview Questions Answers

Why Was The Decision Made To Make Padding Apply Outside Of The Width Of A Box, Rather Than Inside, Which Would Seem To Make More Sense?

It makes sense in some situations, but not in others. For example, when a childelement is set to width: 100%, I don't think it should cover the padding of its parent. The box-sizing property in CSS3 addresses this issue. Ideally, the issue should have been addressed earlier, though.

Why Call The Subtended Angle A Pixel, Instead Of Something Else (e.g. Subangle)?

In most cases, a CSS pixel will be equal to a device pixel. But, as you point out, the definition of a CSS pixel will sometimes be different. For example, on a laser printer, one CSS pixel can be equal to 3x3 device pixels to avoid printing illegibly small text and images. I don't recall anyone ever proposing another name for it. Subangle? Personally, I think most people would prefer the pragmatic "px" to the non-intuitive "sa".

How Do I Eliminate The Blue Border Around Linked Images?

in your CSS, you can specify the border property for linked images

a img { border: none ; }

However, note that removing the border that indicates an image is a link makes it harder for users to distinguish quickly and easily which images on a web page are clickable.
Marketo Most Frequently Asked Latest CSS Interview Questions Answers
Marketo Most Frequently Asked Latest CSS Interview Questions Answers

Which Property Is Used To Change The Face Of A Font?

The font-family property is used to change the face of a font.

Which Property Is Used To Make A Font Italic Or Oblique?

The font-style property is used to make a font italic or oblique.

Which Property Is Used To Create A Small-caps Effect?

The font-variant property is used to create a small-caps effect.

What Is A Style Sheet?

Style sheets are the way that standards-compliant Web designers define the layout, look-and-feel, and design of their pages. They are called Cascading Style Sheets or CSS. With style sheets, a designer can define many aspects of a Web page

* fonts
* colors
* layout
* positioning
* imagery
* accessibility

Style sheets give you a lot of power to define how your pages will look. And another great thing about them is that style sheets make it really easy to update your pages when you want to make a new design. Simply load in a new style sheet onto your pages and you're done.

What Is Inline Style? How To Link?

Inline style is the style attached to one specific element. The style is specified directly in the start tag as a value of the STYLE attribute and will apply exclusively to this specific element occurrence.

<P STYLE="text-indent: 10pt">Indented paragraph</P>

Why Do Style Sheets Exist?

SGML (of which HTML is a derivative) was meant to be a device-independent method for conveying a document's structural and semantic content (its meaning.) It was never meant to convey physical formatting information. HTML has crossed this line and now contains many elements and attributes which specify visual style and formatting information. One of the main reasons for style sheets is to stop the creation of new HTML physical formatting constructs and once again separate style information from document content.

What Are Style Sheets?

Style Sheets are templates, very similar to templates in desktop publishing applications, containing a collection of rules declared to various selectors(elements).

What Is Css Rule Ruleset?

There are two types of CSS rules: ruleset and at-rule. Ruleset identifies selector orselectors and declares style which is to be attached to that selector or selectors. For example P {text-indent: 10pt} is a CSS rule. CSS rulesets consist of two parts:selector, e.g. P and declaration,

e.g. {text-indent: 10pt}.
P {text-indent: 10pt} - CSS rule (ruleset)
{text-indent: 10pt} - CSS declaration
text-indent - CSS property
10pt - CSS value

Which Property Is Used To Set The Background Image Of An Element?

The background-image property is used to set the background image of an element.

Which Property Is Used To Control The Repetition Of An Image In The Background?

The background-repeat property is used to control the repetition of an image in the background.

Which Property Is Used As Shorthand To Specify A Number Of Other Font Properties?

The font property is used as shorthand to specify a number of other font properties.

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