August 6, 2024


What is the difference between sample and population in Data science

In data science, the concepts of sample and population are fundamental for statistical analysis, modeling, and decision-making. Here’s a detailed explanation of the differences between the two:



  • A population is the entire set of individuals, items, or data points that you are interested in studying. It encompasses all possible observations or measurements relevant to your research question or analysis.


  • Complete Data Set: Includes every member of the group or every possible data point that fits the criteria of the study.
  • Fixed: The population is a fixed group defined by the scope of the study or the context.
  • Example: In a study of all employees in a company, the population would include every single employee working at that company.


  • Descriptive Statistics: When you have access to the entire population, you can compute exact descriptive statistics (e.g., mean, variance) without needing to estimate.
  • Parameter Estimation: Population parameters (e.g., population mean, population variance) are fixed and can be directly measured if the entire population is available.



  • A sample is a subset of the population that is selected for the purpose of analysis. It includes a portion of the population data that is used to make inferences or estimates about the population.


  • Subset: A sample is a smaller group taken from the population. It should ideally represent the population accurately.
  • Variable: Different samples can be drawn from the same population, and each sample may provide slightly different results due to random variation.
  • Example: In the same company study, a sample might consist of 100 randomly selected employees out of the total number of employees.


  • Estimation: Samples are used to estimate population parameters when it is impractical or impossible to collect data from the entire population.
  • Inferential Statistics: Sample statistics (e.g., sample mean, sample standard deviation) are used to make inferences about population parameters. Techniques like hypothesis testing and confidence intervals rely on sample data.
  • Sampling Techniques: Different methods (e.g., random sampling, stratified sampling) are used to select a sample that accurately reflects the population.
What is the difference between sample and population in Data science


  1. Scope:

    • Population: The complete set of data or individuals of interest.
    • Sample: A smaller, representative subset of the population.
  2. Data Collection:

    • Population: Data is collected from all members or items of the population.
    • Sample: Data is collected from a selected subset of the population.
  3. Purpose:

    • Population: Direct analysis of the entire population provides exact results but may be impractical for large populations.
    • Sample: Sample analysis allows for practical data collection and inference about the population, providing estimates with associated uncertainties.
  4. Statistical Parameters vs. Statistics:

    • Population Parameters: Quantities that describe the population (e.g., population mean, population variance) and are generally fixed.
    • Sample Statistics: Quantities computed from the sample data (e.g., sample mean, sample variance) used to estimate the corresponding population parameters.
  5. Practicality:

    • Population: Collecting data from the entire population may be costly or infeasible.
    • Sample: Sampling is often used to manage resources and time while still obtaining useful insights.


  • Population: The entire group of interest for a study or analysis, which provides exact data but may be impractical to analyze in full.
  • Sample: A subset of the population used to make inferences about the population. Sampling provides estimates and requires careful selection to ensure representativeness and accuracy.

Understanding these concepts is crucial for designing studies, performing statistical analysis, and making data-driven decisions in data science.
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