May 26, 2024


How to find duplicate records in Excel sheet

 How to find duplicate records in Excel sheet

To find duplicate records in an Excel sheet, you can use Excel's built-in functionality. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. **Select the Range**: First, select the range of cells where you want to find duplicate records.

2. **Go to the "Data" Tab**: Navigate to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon.

3. **Click on "Remove Duplicates"**: In the "Data Tools" group, you'll find the "Remove Duplicates" button. Click on it.

4. **Choose Columns**: A dialog box will appear asking you to select the columns where you want to find duplicates. Excel will automatically select the entire range you previously selected. You can unselect any columns where you don't want to check for duplicates.

5. **Confirm and Remove**: Once you've selected the columns, click "OK". Excel will then remove duplicate records based on the selected columns.

6. **Review the Results**: After removing duplicates, Excel will display a message indicating how many duplicate values were found and removed. You can review the remaining data to see the effect.

This method will remove duplicate records from your Excel sheet based on the selected columns. If you want to identify duplicates without removing them, you can use Excel's conditional formatting feature to highlight duplicate values. Here's how:

1. **Select the Range**: Again, select the range of cells where you want to identify duplicates.

2. **Go to the "Home" Tab**: Navigate to the "Home" tab in the Excel ribbon.

3. **Click on "Conditional Formatting"**: In the "Styles" group, you'll find the "Conditional Formatting" button. Click on it.

4. **Choose "Highlight Cells Rules"**: From the dropdown menu, choose "Highlight Cells Rules".

5. **Select "Duplicate Values"**: Another dropdown menu will appear. Select "Duplicate Values".

6. Choose Formatting: In the dialog box that appears, choose the formatting style you want to apply to the duplicate values. You can choose a preset style or customize it according to your preference.

7. **Click "OK"**: Once you've selected the formatting, click "OK". Excel will then highlight the duplicate values in the selected range using the chosen formatting style.

By following these steps, you can easily find and optionally remove duplicate records in Excel.

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