June 3, 2019


Dassault Systemes MySQL Interview Questions Answers

Dassault Systemes Most Frequently Asked Latest MySQL Interview Questions Answers

How Do You Convert A String To Utf-8?

SELECT (techpreparation_Question USING utf8);

What Do % And _ Mean Inside Like Statement?

% corresponds to 0 or more characters, _ is exactly one character.

What Does + Mean In Regexp?

At least one character. Appendix G. Regular Expressions from MySQL manual is worth perusing before the interview.

How Do You Get The Month From A Timestamp?

SELECT MONTH(techpreparation_timestamp) from techpreparation_Questions;

How Do You Offload The Time/date Handling To Mysql?

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(techpreparation_timestamp, ‘%Y-%m-%d’) from techpreparation_Questions; A similar TIME_FORMAT function deals with time.
Dassault Systemes Most Frequently Asked Latest MySQL Interview Questions Answers
Dassault Systemes Most Frequently Asked Latest MySQL Interview Questions Answers

How Do You Add Three Minutes To A Date?

ADDDATE(techpreparation_publication_date, INTERVAL 3 MINUTE)

What's The Difference Between Unix Timestamps And Mysql Timestamps?

Internally Unix timestamps are stored as 32-bit integers, while MySQL timestamps are stored in a similar manner, but represented in readable YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

How Do You Convert Between Unix Timestamps And Mysql Timestamps?

UNIX_TIMESTAMP converts from MySQL timestamp to Unix timestamp, FROM_UNIXTIME converts from Unix timestamp to MySQL timestamp.

What Are Enums Used For In Mysql?

You can limit the possible values that go into the table. CREATE TABLE months (month ENUM ‘January’, ‘February’, ‘March’,…); INSERT months VALUES (’April’);

How Are Enums And Sets Represented Internally?

As unique integers representing the powers of two, due to storage optimizations.

How Do You Start And Stop Mysql On Windows?

net start MySQL, net stop MySQL

How Do You Start Mysql On Linux?

/etc/init.d/mysql start

Explain The Difference Between Mysql And Mysql Interfaces In Php?

mysql is the object-oriented version of mysql library functions.

What's The Default Port For Mysql Server?

3306 is the default port for MYSQL.

What Does Tee Command Do In Mysql?

tee followed by a filename turns on MySQL logging to a specified file. It can be stopped by command note.

Can You Save Your Connection Settings To A Conf File?

Yes, and name it ~/.my.conf. You might want to change the permissions on the file to 600, so that it’s not readable by others.

How Do You Change A Password For An Existing User Via Mysqladmin?

mysqladmin -u root -p password "newpassword"

Use Mysqldump To Create A Copy Of The Database?

mysqldump -h mysqlhost -u username -p mydatabasename > dbdump.sql

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