June 4, 2019


AppDynamics ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions

AppDynamics Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers

What Is Viewstart Page In Asp.net Mvc?

This page is used to make sure common layout page will be used for multiple views. Code written in this file will be executed first when application is being loaded.

Explain The Methods Used To Render The Views In Asp.net Mvc?

Below are the methods used to render the views from action -

View() : To return the view from action.

PartialView() : To return the partial view from action.

RedirectToAction() : To Redirect to different action which can be in same controller or in different controller.

Redirect() : Similar to "Response.Redirect()" in webforms, used to redirect to specified URL.

RedirectToRoute() : Redirect to action from the specified URL but URL in the route table has been matched.

What Are The Sub Types Of Actionresult?

ActionResult is used to represent the action method result. Below are the subtypes of ActionResult


What Are Non Action Methods In Asp.net Mvc?

In ASP.Net MVC all public methods have been treated as Actions. So if you are creating a method and if you do not want to use it as an action method then the method has to be decorated with "NonAction" attribute as shown below


public void TestMethod()


// Method logic

AppDynamics Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers
AppDynamics Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers

How We Can Call A Javascript Function On The Change Of A Dropdown List In Asp.net Mvc?

Create a JavaScript method

function DrpIndexChanged() { } Invoke the method

< %:Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.SelectedProduct, new SelectList(Model.Customers, "Value", "Text"), "Please Select a Customer", new { id = "ddlCustomers", onchange=" DrpIndexChanged ()" })%>

What Are Validation Annotations?

Data annotations are attributes which can be found in the "System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations" namespace. These attributes will be used for server-side validation and client-side validation is also supported. Four attributes - Required, String Length, Regular Expression and Range are used to cover the common validation scenarios.

Why To Use Html.partial In Asp.net Mvc?

This method is used to render the specified partial view as an HTML string. This method does not depend on any action methods.

We can use this like below


What Is The Need Of Action Filters In Asp.net Mvc?

Action Filters allow us to execute the code before or after action has been executed. This can be done by decorating the action methods of controls with ASP.Net MVC attributes.

Mention Some Action Filters Which Are Used Regularly In Asp.net Mvc?

Below are some action filters used


How Can We Determine Action Invoked From Http Get Or Http Post?

This can be done in following way : Use class : "HttpRequestBase" and use the method : "HttpMethod" to determine the action request type.

In Server How To Check Whether Model Has Error Or Not In Asp.net Mvc?

This can be done in following way : Use class : "HttpRequestBase" and use the method : "HttpMethod" to determine the action request type.

How To Make Sure Client Validation Is Enabled In Asp.net Mvc?

In Web.Config there are tags called : "ClientValidationEnabled" and "UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled". We can set the client side validation just by setting these two tags "true", then this setting will be applied at the application level.

< add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />

< add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />

What Is Html.renderpartial?

Result of the method : "RenderPartial" is directly written to the HTML response. This method does not return anything (void). This method also does not depend on action methods. RenderPartial() method calls "Write()" internally and we have to make sure that "RenderPartial" method is enclosed in the bracket. Below is the sample code snippet : @{Html.RenderPartial("TestPartialView"); }

What Is Routeconfig.cs In Asp.net Mvc 4?

"RouteConfig.cs" holds the routing configuration for ASP.Net MVC. RouteConfig will be initialized on Application_Start event registered in Global.asax.

What Are Scaffold Templates In Asp.net Mvc?

Scaffolding in ASP.NET ASP.Net MVC is used to generate the Controllers,Model and Views for create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) functionality in an application. The scaffolding will be knowing the naming conventions used for models and controllers and views.

Explain The Types Of Scaffoldings?

Below are the types of scaffoldings


Can A View Be Shared Across Multiple Controllers? If Yes, How We Can Do That?

Yes we can share a view across multiple controllers. We can put the view in the "Shared" folder. When we create a new ASP.Net MVC Project we can see the Layout page will be added in the shared folder, which is because it is used by multiple child pages.

What Are The Components Required To Create A Route In Asp.net Mvc?

Name - This is the name of the route.

URL Pattern : Placeholders will be given to match the request URL pattern.

Defaults :When loading the application which controller, action to be loaded along with the parameter.

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