May 16, 2019


US Women Research Grants in Engineering Medicine Science

USA Women Research Publication Grant in Engineering, Medicine, and Science Application Instructions

Program Purpose

AAUW’s Research Publication Grant in Engineering, Medicine, and Science funds women conducting research for a project that will culminate in a scholarly scientific publication.

The purpose of the grant is to increase gender equity in engineering, medicine, and science. To overcome gender bias in these lucrative fields, AAUW is providing funding for women scholars to strengthen their publication records in preparation for obtaining tenure and other promotions.

Applications are open August 1–December 1

Award Amount


Payment of the final 10% of the funds will be will be contingent upon publication of research results within six months of the end of the grant year

US Women Research Grants in Engineering Medicine Science
US Women Research Grants in Engineering Medicine Science
  • Grants are not open to previous recipients of any AAUW national fellowship or grant (not including branch or local awards or Community Action Grants). Members and officers of the AAUW Board of Directors are not eligible to apply for fellowships and grant awards. AAUW staff or volunteers with decision-making authority who wish to apply for an award must recuse themselves from the decision-making process.
  • Grants are open to women scholars conducting basic research in engineering, medicine, or physical or biological sciences. AAUW follows the National Science Foundation’s definition of basic research: “activity aimed at acquiring new knowledge or understanding without specific immediate commercial application or use.”
  • The grantee must plan to publish this research in a scholarly scientific publication within six months of the end of the grant year and be listed as the sole author, senior author, first author, or an author of equivalent significance.
  • Applicants must hold a doctorate degree in engineering, medicine, or the physical or biological sciences.
  • Tenured professors are not eligible.
  • The grants are for tenure track, part-time, and temporary faculty, as well as new and established researchers at universities.
  • Applicants may not apply for another AAUW national fellowship or grant in the same year.
Criteria for Selection and Application Review

The panel meets once a year to review applications for funding. Awards are based on the selection criteria outlined here. The panel’s recommendations are subject to final approval by the AAUW Board of Directors. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis according to funds available in a given fiscal year. To ensure a fair and objective review process, AAUW does not comment on the deliberations of its award panels. No provisions exist for reconsidering fellowship proposals after the board has acted. AAUW does not provide evaluations of successful or unsuccessful applications.

Applications and supporting documents become the sole property of AAUW and will not be returned or held for another year.

In selecting fellowship recipients, the following criteria will be considered:
  • Applicant’s scholarly excellence
  • Quality of project design
  • Originality of project
  • Scholarly significance of project to the discipline
  • Feasibility of project and proposed schedule
  • Likelihood the project that will culminate in a scholarly scientific publication within six months of the end of the grant year
  • Qualifications of applicant
  • Applicant’s commitment to women’s issues in the profession/community
  • Applicant’s mentoring of other women
  • Applicant’s teaching experience
  • Potential of applicant to make a significant contribution to the field
  • Applicant is from an underrepresented racial/ethnic background
  • Applicant is from an underrepresented area of the country and/or type of university other than a top-level research institution
  • Financial Need.
The primary criterion for fellowship awards is scholarly excellence. Applications are reviewed by distinguished scholars and should be prepared accordingly.

When comparing proposals of equal merit the review panel will give special consideration to women holding junior academic appointments who are seeking research leave, women who have held the doctorate for at least three years, and women whose educational careers have been interrupted.

Website Link

Deadline: Dec 1, 2019.
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