May 11, 2019


SYNNEX Linux Interview Questions Answers

What Stateless Linux Server? What Feature It Offers?

A stateless Linux server is a centralized server in which no state exists on the single workstations. There may be scenarios when a state of a partilcuar system is meaningful (A snap shot is taken then) and the user wants all the other machines to be in that state. This is where the stateless Linux server comes into picture.

It stores the prototypes of every machine.
It stores snapshots taken for those systems.
It stores home directories for those system.

Uses LDAP containing information of all systems to assist in finding out which snapshot (of state) should be running on which system.

What Is The Difference Between Internal And External Commands?

Internal commands are stored in the; same level as the operating system while external commands are stored on the hard disk among the other utility programs.

List The Three Main Parts Of An Operating System Command

The three main parts are the command, options and arguments.

What Is The Difference Between An Argument And An Option (or Switch)?

An argument is what the command should act on: it could be a filename, directory or name. An option is specified when you want to request additional information over and above the basic information each command supplies.

What Is The Purpose Of Online Help?

Online help provides information on each operating system command, the syntax, the options, the arguments with descriptive information.

Name Two Forms Of Security.

Two forms of security are Passwords and File Security with permissions specified.
SYNNEX Most Frequently Asked Latest Linux Interview Questions Answers
SYNNEX Most Frequently Asked Latest Linux Interview Questions Answers

What Command Do You Type To Find Help About The Command Who?

$ man who

What Is The Difference Between Home Directory And Working Directory?

Home directory is the directory you begin at when you log into the system. Working directory can be anywhere on the system and it is where you are currently working.

Which Directory Is Closer To The Top Of The File System Tree, Parent Directory Or Current Directory?

The parent directory is above the current directory, so it is closer to the root or top of the file system.

What Are Two Subtle Differences In Using The More And The Pg Commands?

With the more command you display another screenful by pressing the spacebar, with pg you press the return key.

The more command returns you automatically to the UNIX shell when completed, while pg waits until you press return.

When Is It Better To Use The More Command Rather Than Cat Command?

It is sometimes better to use the more command when you are viewing a file that will display over one screen.

How Many Vi Editor Modes Do You Know?

Three modes -
Command mode: letters or sequence of letters interactively command vi.
Insert mode: Text is inserted.
Command line mode: enter this mode by typing ":" and entry command line at the foot of the screen.

How Can You Terminate Vi Session?

Use command: ZZ that is save changes and quit.
Use command line: ":wq" that is write changes and quit.
Use command line: ":q!" to ignore changes and quit.

How Can You Copy Lines Into The Buffer In Command Mode?

yy - copy a single line defined by current cursor position
3yy - copy 3 lines. Current line and two lines below it.

We Saw The Mention On The Linux Bios Website About One Million Devices Shipped With Linux Bios. Could You Tell Us More About These Devices?

Yes, these are internet terminals that were built in India, based on the [x86 system-on-chip] STPC chip, I am told; also, there evidently is a Turkish-built digital TV that runs Linux BIOS. I have also heard that there are routers and many other embedded devices running Linux BIOS. I think at this point that 1 million is a low number. I am in contact with other set-top box vendors that are talking about numbers in the lOs of millions for their products. These numbers actually make the OLPC numbers seem small, which is in it amazing.
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