May 13, 2019


SYNNEX ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers

What Is Layout In Mvc?

Layout pages are similar to master pages in traditional web forms. This is used to set the common look across multiple pages. In each child page we can find : /p>


Layout = "~/Views/Shared/TestLayout1.cshtml";

} This indicates child page uses TestLayout page as it's master page.

Explain Json Binding?

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) binding support started from ASP.Net MVC3 onwards via the new JsonValueProviderFactory, which allows the action methods to accept and model-bind data in JSON format. This is useful in Ajax scenarios like client templates and data binding that need to post data back to the server.

Explain Dependency Resolution?

Dependency Resolver again has been introduced in ASP.Net MVC3 and it is greatly simplified the use of dependency injection in your applications. This turn to be easier and useful for decoupling the application components and making them easier to test and more configurable.

Explain Bundle.config In Mvc5?

"BundleConfig.cs" in ASP.Net MVC5 is used to register the bundles by the bundling and minification system. Many bundles are added by default including jQuery libraries like - jquery.validate, Modernizr, and default CSS references.
SYNNEX Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers
SYNNEX Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers

How Route Table Has Been Created In Mvc?

Method : "RegisterRoutes()" is used for registering the routes which will be added in "Application_Start()" method of global.asax file, which is fired when the application is loaded or started.

Which Are The Important Namespaces Used In Mvc?

Below are the important namespaces used in ASP.Net MVC

System.Web.ASP.Net MVC
System.Web.ASP.Net MVC.Ajax
System.Web.ASP.Net MVC.Html
System.Web.ASP.Net MVC.Async

What Is Viewdata?

Viewdata contains the key, value pairs as dictionary and this is derived from class : "ViewDataDictionary". In action method we are setting the value for viewdata and in view the value will be fetched by typecasting.

What Is The Difference Between Viewbag And Viewdata In Mvc?

ViewBag is a wrapper around ViewData, which allows to create dynamic properties. Advantage of viewbag over viewdata will be : In ViewBag no need to typecast the objects as in ViewData. ViewBag will take advantage of dynamic keyword which is introduced in version 4.0. But before using ViewBag we have to keep in mind that ViewBag is slower than ViewData.

Explain Tempdata In Mvc?

TempData is again a key, value pair as ViewData. This is derived from "TempDataDictionary" class. TempData is used when the data is to be used in two consecutive requests, this could be between the actions or between the controllers. This requires typecasting in view.

What Are Html Helpers In Mvc?

HTML Helpers are like controls in traditional web forms. But HTML helpers are more lightweight compared to web controls as it does not hold viewstate and events. HTML Helpers returns the HTML string which can be directly rendered to HTML page. Custom HTML Helpers also can be created by overriding "HtmlHelper" class.

How To Use Jquery Plugins In Mvc Validation?

We can use dataannotations for validation in ASP.Net MVC. If we want to use validation during runtime using Jquery then we can use Jquery plugins for validation.


If validation is to be done on customer name textbox then we can do as

$('#CustomerName').rules("add", {

required: true,

minlength: 2,

messages: {

required: "Please enter name",

minlength: "Minimum length is 2"



How We Can Multiple Submit Buttons In Mvc?

Below is the scenario and the solution to solve multiple submit buttons issue. Scenario

@using (Html.BeginForm("MyTestAction","MyTestController")


    <input type="submit" value="MySave" />

    <input type="submit" value="MyEdit" />

} Solution

Public ActionResult MyTestAction(string submit) //submit will have value either "MySave" or "MyEdit"


    // Write code here


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