May 11, 2019


NetSuite Linux Interview Questions Answers

What Is The Default Permission Applied On The User When You Mount A Nfs Permission On Any Local Directory In Your System?

No user permission which is a system account in all the machines having normal user level privileges unless no_root_squash or any other permission specification is not provided on the share.

What Is The Difference Between Nfs Share And A Samba Share?

NFS sharing is done between linux to Linux where Samba sharing can be done between Linux-Linux and Linux-windows

What Is The Command To Display All The Logical Volume Available In The System?


What Is A Swap Partition ? What Is The Recommended Swap Partition For 8 Gb Ram?

Swap partition is a feature used in Linux which uses the space allocated to it from the physical hard drive and is utilized by te system when RAM memory goes full.

Amount of RAM in the System  Recommended Amount of Swap Space
4GB of RAM or less  a minimum of 2GB of swap space
4GB to 16GB of RAM  a minimum of 4GB of swap space
16GB to 64GB of RAM  a minimum of 8GB of swap space
64GB to 256GB of RAM  a minimum of 16GB of swap space
256GB to 512GB of RAM  a minimum of 32GB of swap space

What Is E2fsck Command?

fsck is a front end tool for e2fsck.

When The System Runs The Fsck And Which Script Invokes It?

When the system boots,  the rc.sysinit script runs the fsck on any filesystems marked for checking in /etc/fstab file. If any of these filesystems are markes as dirty or have data in the journal, fsck will attempt to repair them. If it succeeds, the filesystems will be mounted and boot process continues, else rc.sysinit will  run sulogin and will report that fsck needs to be run manually.

Why Fsck Used?

fsck (file system check) is used to maintain file system consistency.

How To Create A Swap File?

Create a file as

         # dd  if=/dev/zero  of=swapfile   bs=512  count=N
         (Where N is the file size in KB)
         Run the mkswap to create signature
         Activate the swap file with swapon command (OR) initialize it in the startup
         script /etc/rc.d/rc.local
NetSuite Most Frequently Asked Latest Linux Interview Questions Answers
NetSuite Most Frequently Asked Latest Linux Interview Questions Answers

How To Set Up Swap Partition?

Steps involved in setting up swap partition

Create a partition using a partitioning program (fdisk/sfdisk/parted)
Set partition id type to 0x82.
Create the signature on the partition using the mkswap command
# mkswap  -v1  /dev/hdb3
Add an entry for the swap in /etc/fstab file as
/dev/hdb3   swap   swap   defaults    0   0
Activate the swap partition using
# swapon -a
Check the swap partition status using
# swapon  -s

What Is The Command Used To Check Any Hardware Changes Made On The System In Linux?


What Is The Difference Between Ext3 And Ext4 Filesystem?


Maximum individual file size can be from 16 GB to 2 TB
Overall ext3 file system size can be from 2 TB to 32 TB

Maximum individual file size can be from 16 GB to 16 TB
Overall maximum ext4 file system size is 1 EB (exabyte). 1 EB = 1024 PB (petabyte). 1 PB = 1024 TB (terabyte).

What Is The Filesystem Used In Rhel 5 And Rhel 6?

Ext3 for RHEL 5 and ext4 for RHEL 6.

What Is The Function Of Resize2fs Command?

This can be used to change the size of an ext2 or ext3 filesystem.

What Is The Function Of Debugfs Command?

This utility is used to to examine and debug an ext2 filesystem. This can also be used to manually verify the inode integrity and an aid to recover data.

How To Create A Filesystem?

The mkfs command is used to create the filesystem.

mkfs.ext2 / mkfs.ext3>To create ext2/ext3 filesystem
mkfs.minix> minix filesystem
mkfs.msdos> MS-DOS filesystem

What Is The Function Of Partprobe?

Reinitializes the kernel's in memory copy of the partition table.

What Are The Tools Used To Create Or Manage Partitions?

parted (GNU) - An advanced partition manipulation tool (create, copy,resize etc.)

Why Partitions Required?

Separate partitions improve performance by keeping data together which reduces the disk head seek.

How Many Partitions Are Supported By Linux?

The maximum number of partitions supported by Linux kernel is

63 for IDE drives

15 for SCSI drives.

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