May 9, 2019


MuleSoft VB.NET Interview Questions Answers

What Is Different Between Web.config And Machine.config And Where It Will Be ?

The ASP.NET Web.config file is used to define the configuration settings for an ASP.NET application. ASP.NET and the .NET Framework use .config files to define all configuration options. The .config files, including the ASP.NET Web.config file, are XML files. The ASP.NET application configuration settings can be changed by creating a file called Web.config and saving it in the root folder of the application.This is how the minimal Web.config file should look like
<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
The first line of the Web.config file is the same as the first line for any .config file and specifies that this is an XML document with utf-8 character encoding type.
There are 2 important characteristics of the Web.config file. The first one is that if you change your Web.config file, you don?t need to re-compile your ASP.NET application.
The second one is that the Web.config file cannot be viewed in directly in a browser.
Server-wide configuration settings for the .NET Framework are defined in a file called Machine.config. The settings in the Machine.config file can be changed and those settings affect all .NET applications on the server.what if the Machine.config file defines different settings than the ones defined in your Web.config file? The settings in the Web.config file override the settings in the Machine.config file.
[A web.config file is used to configure one asp .net web application. Each application has a web.config file. A Machine.config file is used to configure the applications in a particular machine. Configuration done in machine.config file is affected on any application that runs on a particular machine.]

How Is Different From Vb6?

VB6 was a scripting language while VB.NET is a Programming language.
VB6 was supported Unstructured error handling by using On Error Gotos tatement. VB.NET supports structured exceptional by using Try…Catch…Finally to handle exceptions at runtime.
VB.NET is completely supports object oriented features.but VB6 wont support.
VB6 used ADO as Data access technology and record-sets to implement data access applications. Also here data transfer in the form of binary format.VB.NET uses ADO.NET and datasets to build data access applications. The ADO.NET also supports the disconnected data access. Here the data transfer in the form of xml format. So here their is faster data transfer.
Multiple versions are supported with VB.NETbut withVB6its not supported.
multithreading is supported with VB.NET, but not with VB6.

What Are Fixed Memory Leaks And Threads Locking Problems.

Memory leak is a bug in the program which uses the memory continuously without releasing it until the system crash.Thread locking problem is nothing but a deadlock situation in case of synchronous process when two consecutive threads get lock on a common resource and waiting for each other to release that. This happens usually in case when the semaphores or monitors are not used.

How To Call A List Box On The Text If Some One Send Me The Code For It

i understood the ? like this what to do if we need to transfer the listbox items to the text if i am correct then my to this is double click on the listbox so that the eventof the listbox is displayed in the code editori.e
private sub listbox1_selectedindexchanged......

What Is The Difference B/w Readonly Variable And Constant Variable?

variable used to store the data
Read only variable:-
Read only variable means read only but not allow to write
constant variable specify the constant value.
MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked Latest VB.NET Interview Questions Answers
MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked Latest VB.NET Interview Questions Answers

What Is The Dif B/w Panel And Groupbox.

Both panel and group box acts like a container to other controls they help us a lot in some applications where we want a group of controls or objects should be disabled or enabled when a specific task is performedthe main difference is group box has a hording where u can place a text of ure own whereas a panel is just like a frame what we used in VB but has a scrollbar(hs,vs)

What Do You Mean By 'option Strict On' ?

Option Strict
Visual Basic language in general does not require explicit syntax to be used when performing operations that might not be optimally efficient (e.g. late binding) or that might fail at run time (e.g. narrowing conversions). This permissive semantics often prevents detection of coding errors and also affects the performance of the application.
VB.NET enables a programmer to enforce strict semantics by setting this option to "On". When used, this option should appear before any other code. This option can be set to "On" or "Off". If this statement is not specified, by default, it is set to "Off".
Syntax: Option Strict [On / Off]
When it is set to "On", it disallows any narrowing conversions to occur without an explicit cast operator, late binding and does not let the programmer omit "As" clause in the declaration statement. Since setting it to "On" requires explicit conversion, it also requires that the compiler be able to determine the type of each variable. Thus it is implied that Option Strict also means Option Explicit.
Visual Basic .NET allows implicit conversions of any data type to any other data type. However, data loss can occur if the value of one data type is converted to a data type with less precision or a smaller capacity. Setting this option to "On" ensures compile-time notification of these types of conversions so they may be avoided.

What Are Jagged Arrays ?

a collection of discrete no of elements in each and every row is called as jagged arrays.
1)these jagged arrays doesn’t contain columns,
2)a jagged array also called as dynamic array
3)jagged array is a collection of dynamic arrays
4)these are faster and also save the memory.
syntax of jagged array
int[][]x=new int [rows][]
here x is array name

What Are Satellite Assemblies?

Satellite assemblies are user for localizing the applications resources. A satellite assembly is a DLL that contains only resource strings.we typically have one satellite assembly DLL for each language. Because these satellite assembly DLLs are separated from the main assembly (an .exe or DLL), it is easier to drop in.

Multi-language Support As We Progress In Your Development Process. How Can We Remove Handlers At Run Time ?

RemoveHandler myobj.myEvent, AddressOf MyEventHandler.

What Is .net

.Net is the Development Plateform which provides advanced feature facilities for the web and window application along with the window services . The .Net is the Middle layer between the operating System and the .Net application .The feature of .Net that the .Net Component can talk with each other without worrying about the language in which they are originally.. Two main components are CLR stands for the common Language Runtime and the .Net FrameWork Base classes. The CLR performs the task of converting the IL to native code Which gives the .Net applications to be language Independent . The Other component Like .Net FramwWork Base Classes act as services to be provided to the .Net applications.

Can Any Body Tell Me The Code Procedure For Preparing Parameterized Cristel Reports.the Report Should Be Generated By Taking To Or More Parameters. Example: Report Should Be Genarated From Date To Todate?

We can generate Crystal Report by using date parameter, but the date format should be "yyyy,mm,dd".
Ex.CrystaReport1.SelectionFormula = "{GLNOTE.L_DT}=date(" & a & ")"
The variable 'a' should be assign with formated date.

How To Store And Retrieve Images In Sql Server Database Through

To store image in database 1st u need to make table like this
Picid int,
Pic Image
Now in coding u have to write code like this
Dim ms As New MemoryStream
pic_photo.Image.Save(ms, pic_photo.Image.RawFormat)
arrImage = ms.GetBuffer
Now pass arrImage in ur insert query.
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