May 9, 2019


Capita Plc Linux Interview Questions Answers

In Linux Os, What Is The File Server?

The file server is a machine that shares its disk storage and files with other machines on the network.

What Are The Techniques That You Use To Handle The Collisions In Hash Tables?

We can use two major techniques to handle the collisions. They are open addressing and separate chaining. In open addressing, data items that hash to a full array cell are placed in another cell in the array. In separate chaining, each array element consists of a linked list. All data items hashing to a given array index are inserted in that list.

What Is The Major Advantage Of A Hash Table?

The major advantage of a hash table is its speed. Because the hash function is to take a range of key values and transform them into index values in such a way that the key values are distributed randomly across all the indices of a hash table.

What Is Write Command?

The write command enables you to write an actual message on the other terminal online. You have to issue the write command with the login ID of the user with whom you want to communicate. The write command informs the user at the other end that there is a message from another user. write pastes that message onto the other user’s terminal if their terminal’s write permissions are set. Even if they are in the middle of an edit session, write overwrites whatever is on the screen. The edit session contents are not corrupted; you can restore the original screen on most editors with Ctrl-L. write is mostly used for one-way communication, but you can have an actual conversation as well.

Why You Shouldn't Use The Root Login?

The root login does not restrict you in any way. When you log in as root, you become the system. The root login is also sometimes called the super user login. With one simple command, issued either on purpose or by accident, you can destroy your entire Linux installation. For this reason, use the root login only when necessary. Avoid experimenting with commands when you do log in as root.

How Big Should The Swap-space Partition Be?

Swap space is used as an extension of physical RAM, the more RAM you have, the less swap space is required. You can add the amount of swap space and the amount of RAM together to get the amount of RAM Linux will use. For example, if you have 8MB of RAM on your machine’s motherboard, and a 16MB swap-space partition, Linux will behave as though you had 24MB of total RAM.
Capita Plc Most Frequently Asked Latest Linux Interview Questions Answers
Capita Plc Most Frequently Asked Latest Linux Interview Questions Answers

What Command Should You Use To Check The Number Of Files And Disk Space Used And Each User's Defined Quotas?

The repquota command is used to get a report on the status of the quotas you have set including the amount of allocated space and amount of used space.

You Have A Large Spreadsheet Located In The /data Directory That Five Different People Need To Be Able To Change. How Can You Enable Each User To Edit The Spreadsheet From Their Individual Home Directories?

By creating a link to the file in each user’s home directory, each user is able to easily open and edit the spreadsheet. Also, any changes that are made are seen by all the users with access.

You Have A File Called Sales Data And Create Symbolic Links To It In Bob's Home Directory. Bob Calls You And Says That His Link No Longer Works. How Can You Fix The Link?

Because the link in bob’s directory is a symbolic link, if the file sales data in the /data directory is deleted, the symbolic link will no longer work.

What Is Meant By Sticky Bit?

When the sticky bit is set on a world writable directory, only the owner can delete any file contained in that directory.

Your Default Umask Is 002. What Does This Mean?

The digits of your umask represent owner, group and others in that order.
The 0 gives read and write for files and the 2 gives read only for files.

Which Of The Following Commands Will Replace All Occurrences Of The Word Rate With The Word Speed In The File Racing?

When using sed to do a search and replace, its default action is to only replace the first occurrence in each line. Adding the ‘g’ makes sed replace all occurrences of the search term even when it occurs multiple times on the same line.

You Have A Tab Delimited File Called Phonenos And Want To Change Each Tab To Four Spaces. What Command Can You Use To Accomplish This?

By default, expand converts tabs to eight spaces. Use the -t option to change this behavior.

You Issue The Command Head * What Would The Resulting Output Be?

If the number of lines to display is not specified, the first ten lines of the specified file are displayed. The asterick tells head to display the content of each file in the present working directory.
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