August 1, 2019


CGI Group Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions

What Are The Different Types Of Storage In Html 5?

HTML 5 has the capability to store data locally. Previously it was done with the help of cookies. Exciting thing about this storage is that its fast as well as secure.

There are two different objects which can be used to store data.
•localStorage object stores data for a longer period of time even if the browser is closed.
•sessionStorage object stores data for a specific session.

What Are The Deprecated Elements In Html5 From Html4?

Elements that are deprecated from HTML 4 to HTML 5 are

What Are The New Apis Provided By Html 5 Standard?

HTML 5 standard comes with a number of new APIs. Few of it are as follows

•Media API
•Text Track API
•Application Cache API
•User Interaction
•Data Transfer API
•Command API
•Constraint Validation API
•History API
•and many more

What Is The Difference Between Html 5 Application Cache And Regular Html Browser Cache?

One of the key feature of HTML 5 is “Application Cache” that enables us to make an offline version of a web application. It allows to fetch few or all of website contents such as HTML files, CSS, images, javascript etc locally. This feature speeds up the site performance. This is achieved with the help of a manifest file defined as follows
<!doctype html>

As compared with traditional browser caching, Its not compulsory for the user to visit website contents to be cached.

In order to achieve Application Cache feature in HTML5, a manifest file is used as follows
<!doctype html>

Manifest file is basically a text file that dictates what needs to be cache or not if Application Cache is enabled. Followings are the four main sections of a manifest file where CACHE MANIFEST is the only required section

CGI Group Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions Answers
CGI Group Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions Answers

How To Add Video And Audio In Html5?

Like below we can add video in html5

   <video  width="320" height="240" controls="controls">
    <source src="pcds.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
    <source src="pcds.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
And audio like this

  <audio controls="controls">
  <source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
  <source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />

Describe Any Two New Features Of Html5?

HTML 5 comes up with many new features including video/audio elements for media playback and better support for local offline storage.

What Does A <hgroup> Tag Do?

It is used for heading sections. Header tags used are from <h1> to <h6>. The largest is the main heading of the section, and the others are sub-headings.

Which Video Formats Are Used For The Video Element?

Ogg, MPEG4, WebM.

How Can We Embed Video In Html5?

<video src="movie.ogg" controls="controls"></video>

Which Video Format Is Supported By Ie?

IE supports MPEG4 and WebM.

Name The Audio Formats Supported In Html5?

Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV.

What Will The Following Code Do?
<audio Src="song.ogg" Controls="controls"></audio>

It will play the audio file named song.ogg.

How Will You Define Canvas With Reference To Html5?

It is a rectangular area, where we can control every pixel.

How Is Xhtml Better Than Html?

The following are the reasons for why XTML is better than HTML

XHTML uses style sheets instead of font, color and alignment tags of HTML.
XHTML allows to style sheets and scripts embedding in CDATA section.
XML of XHTML eases the integration of new elements as subsets of SGML.
Portable – Non-pc platforms can be accessed with XHTML.

What Is Xhtml Modularization? Why Xhtml Modularization?

The decomposition of XHTML and by reference HTML into a group of modules that are abstract to provide modularity is known as XHTML modularization. These modules are utilized in the XML document type definition language. The rules needed to define the abstract model uses XML DTD.
Modularization of XHTML refers to specify well defined set of XHTML elements which can be compiled and extended by the XHTML document developers, other XML standards specifications.
Modularization of XTML acts as a means for the designers of product for specifying the elements that supports a specific devise by using standard building blocks and standard methods for building blocks usage. The content community gets “points of conformance” by using these modules.

What Is Xhtml Validation?

XHTML validation is the process of validating XHTML document with w3c’s validator

How Is Xhtml Better Than Html? Why Would You Want To Use Xhtml?

to be able to take advantage of new coding techniques
problems with the earlier versions have been fixed.
XHTML is a fairly close copy of HTML 4.01.

Extensibility : Under HTML, the addition of a new group of elements requires alteration of the entire DTD. XML greatly eases the integration of new element collections as it is a subset of SGML itself and specifies it's own DTD.

Portability : By the year 2002 as much as 75% of Internet access could be carried out on non-PC platforms such as palm computers, televisions, fridges, automobiles, telephones, etc. In most cases these devices will not have the computing power of a desktop computer, and will not be designed to accommodate ill-formed HTML as do current browsers.

Currently, the Netscape browser helps greatly for testing web pages by displaying blank or broken pages when it comes across sloppy coding. IE is the most forgiving browser and will show almost any page no matter the extent of coding errors. While HTML itself isn't completely lacking in extensibility or portability but the evolution of it has been extremely slow compared to the pace of Internet development. This fuels the problems encountered trying to make your pages work on a wide range of browsers and platforms. XHTML will help to remedy those problems.

Is Is Right Only Certain Tags May Nest Inside Other Tags In Xhtml?

Yes, In XHTML we can insert only certain tags inside other tags. Example
<ol> Some my favorite flowers are
and my most favorite flower is
<li>red rose</li> </ol>
In the above example we insert the paragraph between
<li> tag.It's wrong. In case of XHTML our example looks like that, becomes <p>
Some my favorite flowers are:</p> <ol>
<li>red rose</li>

What Is Xhtml? Why Xhtml?

XHTML stands for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. It is a combination of XML and HTML capabilities. XHTML can be viewed as intersection of HTML and XML in many aspects.

Why To Use Xhtml?

Most of the web pages contain bad HTML Combines the strengths of both XML and HTML.
XHTML is strict in defining the tags, like Properly nested elements.
All elements must always be closed.
All elements must be written in lower case.
Every XHTML document must have one root element.

Differences Between Xml And Html

Since XML and HTML are derived from SGML they are similar, but have the following differences
1. XML is case-sensitive.
2. XML must have quotes (single or double) around attributes.
3. Most interpreters of HTML are very forgiving about missing end tags – XML parses are not.
4. Comments start with <– and end with –>. Inside a comment, "–" may not appear. Although this is fine in html, it confuses xml parsers.

In Xhtml Tags May Overlap Or Not?

In XHTML tags may not be overlapped.
Example: <em> emphasized text and <b>bold </em>text</b> We can use above example in XHTML like that, <em>emphasized text </em> is <b>bold text</b>

Write Example That Shows Every Attribute Must Have A Value In Xhtml?

Using example I will show you in XHTML every attribute must have a value.
Example in HTML
<ol compact> <input type="radio" name="title" value="decline" checked>decline</input>
Below, I write a same example in XHTML. <ol compact="compact" > <input type="radio" name="title" value="decline" checked="checked">decline</input> In this we assign value compact, checked to element compact and checked.

Why Is This Xslt Important?

Rather than manually creating WML markup, XSLT will enable XHTML documents to be automatically converted to WML.

Should I Use An Http Get Or Post For My Ajax Calls?

AJAX requests should use an HTTP GET request when retrieving data where the data will not change for a given request URL. An HTTP POST should be used when state is updated on the server. This is in line with HTTP idempotency recommendations and is highly recommended for a consistent web application architecture.

Do I Have To Memorize A Bunch Of Tags?

No. Most programs that help you write HTML code already know most tags, and create them when you press a button. But you should understand what a tag is, and how it works. That way you can correct errors in your page more easily.

Can I Have Two Or More Actions In The Same Form?

No. A form must have exactly one action. However, the server-side (e.g., CGI) program that processes your form submissions can perform any number of tasks (e.g., updating a database, sending email, logging a transaction) in response to a single form submission.

How Can I Use Forms For Pull-down Navigation Menus?

There is no way to do this in HTML only; something else must process the form. JavaScript processing will work only for readers with JavaScript-enabled browsers. CGI and other server-side processing is reliable for human readers, but search engines have problems following any form-based navigation.

How Can I Check For Errors?

HTML validators check HTML documents against a formal definition of HTML syntax and then output a list of errors. Validation is important to give the best chance of correctness on unknown browsers (both existing browsers that you haven't seen and future browsers that haven't been written yet).
HTML checkers (linters) are also useful. These programs check documents for specific problems, including some caused by invalid markup and others caused by common browser bugs. Checkers may pass some invalid documents, and they may fail some valid ones.
All validators are functionally equivalent; while their reporting styles may vary, they will find the same errors given identical input. Different checkers are programmed to look for different problems, so their reports will vary significantly from each other. Also, some programs that are called validators (e.g. the "CSE HTML Validator") are really linters/checkers. They are still useful, but they should not be confused with real HTML validators.
When checking a site for errors for the first time, it is often useful to identify common problems that occur repeatedly in your markup. Fix these problems everywhere they occur (with an automated process if possible), and then go back to identify and fix the remaining problems.
Link checkers follow all the links on a site and report which ones are no longer functioning. CSS checkers report problems with CSS style sheets.

How Do I Use Forms?

The basic syntax for a form is: <FORM ACTION="[URL]">…</FORM>
When the form is submitted, the form data is sent to the URL specified in the ACTION attribute. This URL should refer to a server-side (e.g., CGI) program that will process the form data. The form itself should contain

 at least one submit button (i.e., an <INPUT TYPE="submit" …> element),
 form data elements (e.g., <INPUT>, <TEXTAREA>, and <SELECT>) as needed, and
 additional markup (e.g., identifying data elements, presenting instructions) as needed.

Tell Me How To Convert An Html Page Into Xhtml?

If we want to convert HTML pages into XHTML than you have to insert some lines at the starting of document. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">

What Are The Advantages Of Xhtml?

Some main advantage of XHTML are given below
1.In XHTML we can use mixed namespaces. on XHTML is much simple than HTML.
3.When your document is not well formed than it will immediately informed to you due to an error from your UA in XHTML.

What The Benefits Of Xhtml Are?

As XHTML is an XML application, you will benefit from developments in the XML world. For example XML tools such as editors, converters, browsers, etc. can be used with XHTML resources. In addition there are developments to the XML family of protocols and formats which will provide additional functionality for XHTML.

How To Build A "hello World" Page. With Xhtml ?

"Hello World" Web page code looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xml:lang="en" lang="en" xmlns="">
<title>Hello World</title>
<p>My first Web page.</p>

Attributes Values Must Be In Double Or Single Quotes

<ol type=1>
<ol type="1">
<ol type='1'>

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