October 14, 2018


NetSuite Most Frequently Asked Python Latest Interview Questions Answers

How is the memory management process in Python?

Like other programming environments, Python Programming Environment has Garbage Collection Techniques that manages the Memory efficiently. Moreover, the memory is managed by the Private Heap which is ultimately managed by the Python Memory Manager.

How do you include comment feature in a Python program?

Python Programming Environment supports good features for comment as it helps the developers to document the code without any confusion. You can write a comment in a Python program using the following command:

# Comment Here

What is the difference between input() method and raw_input() method?

raw_input() method returns string values whereas input() method returns integer vaues.
Input() method was used in Python 2.x versions whereas Python 3.x and later versions use raw_input() method. However, input()method has been replaced by raw_input() method in Python 3.x.

What is the difference between Lists and Tuples in terms of Syntax?

Both Lists and Tuples are used to store a sequence of data within them. However, a major difference between them is that Tuples use parantheses ( ) in its syntax whereas Lists use Brackets in its syntax [ ].
NetSuite Most Frequently Asked Python Latest Interview Questions Answers
NetSuite Most Frequently Asked Python Latest Interview Questions Answers

What is the difference between Text Entry element and Text Box element in Tkinter Module?

A Text Entry element is used to receive an input of only one single line whereas a Text Box provides a space to receive input for multiple lines.

How do you create a Check Button Element in Python?

The CheckButton class is available in Tkinter Module. We first need to import it and then we can take in a frame label by the following command:

checkbutton1 = Checkbutton(frame1, text= “C Programming”)

checkbutton1 is a variable to hold the Check Button Element and frame1 is the name of the Frame variable onto which we want to adjust our Check Button. It takes in a parameter named as Text which is used to display the name for the Check Button.

Enlist the built in datatypes that Python provides.

The datatypes provides by Python are as follows:
1. List
2. Tuple
3. Dictionary
4. String
5. Number
6. Set

What is a DocString and what is it used for?

A DocString represents Document String that is used to Document Python Modules, Classes and Methods.

How do you define the dimensions of a window in a Python Graphics Program?

We can define the dimensions i.e., width and height of a Window in a Python GUI programming. It can be defined using the geometry() method. It takes in two parameters: width and height respectively.

Example: geometry(“width * height”)

Enlist the Looping constructs available in Python.

Python provides using two looping constructs and these are For Loop and While Loop. Both of these looping constructs are same. The only difference is of the syntax that both of these use.

What is range() method in Python?

Range() method is Python is used as a Looping construct. It takes in 2 mandatory parameters and 1 optional parameter.

Example: range(1,10,2)

This method prints numbers after every alternate iterations between 1 and 10. It prints 1 3 5 7 9.

How will you convert a string to a tuple in python?

tuple(s) − Converts s to a tuple.

How will you convert a string to a list in python?

list(s) − Converts s to a list.

How will you convert a string to a set in python?

set(s) − Converts s to a set.

How will you create a dictionary using tuples in python?

dict(d) − Creates a dictionary. d must be a sequence of (key,value) tuples.

How will you convert a string to a frozen set in python?

frozenset(s) − Converts s to a frozen set.

How will you convert an integer to a character in python?

chr(x) − Converts an integer to a character.

How will you convert an integer to an unicode character in python?

unichr(x) − Converts an integer to a Unicode character.

How will you convert a single character to its integer value in python?

ord(x) − Converts a single character to its integer value.

How will you convert an integer to hexadecimal string in python?

hex(x) − Converts an integer to a hexadecimal string.

How will you convert an integer to octal string in python?

oct(x) − Converts an integer to an octal string.

What is the purpose of ** operator?

** Exponent − Performs exponential (power) calculation on operators. a**b = 10 to the power 20 if a = 10 and b = 20.

What is the purpose of // operator?

// Floor Division − The division of operands where the result is the quotient in which the digits after the decimal point are removed.

What is the purpose of is operator?

is − Evaluates to true if the variables on either side of the operator point to the same object and false otherwise. x is y, here is results in 1 if id(x) equals id(y).

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