October 19, 2018


MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions Answers

How Can I Make A Page Look The Same In E.g. Ns And Msie ?

The simple is, you can't, and you shouldn't waste your time trying to make it exactly the same. Web browsers are allowed, per definition, to interpret a page as they like, subject to the general rules set down in the HTML and CSS specifications. As a web author you can not have a prior knowledge of the exact situation and/or medium that will be used to render your page, and it's almost always rather counterproductive to try to control that process. There is no necessity for a well-written page to look the same in different browsers. You may want to strive to ensure that it looks good in more than one browser, even if the actual display (in the case of graphical browsers) comes out a bit different. "Looking good" can be achieved by adopting sensible design and guidelines, such as not fixing the size or face of your fonts, not fixing the width of tables, etc… Don't fight the medium; most web users only use one browser and will never know, or bother to find out, that your page looks different, or even "better", in any other browser.

Can I Attach More Than One Declaration To A Selector?

Yes. If more than one declaration is attached to a selector they must appear in a semi colon separated list, e.g.;

Selector {declaration1; declaration2}
P {background: white; color: black}

What Is The Percentage Value In 'font-size' Relative To?

It is relative to the parent element's font-size. For example, if the style sheet says

H1 {font-size: 20pt;}
SUP {font-size: 80%;}

...then a <SUP> inside an <H1> will have a font-size of 80% times 20pt, or 16pt.

Must I Quote Property Values?

Generally no. However, values containing white spaces, e.g. font-family names should be quoted as white spaces surrounding the font name are ignored and whitespaces inside the font name are converted to a single space, thus font names made up of more than one word (e.g.) 'Times New Roman' are interpreted as three different names: Times, New and Roman.

Do Any Wysiwyg Editors Support The Creation Of Style Sheets? Any Text-based Html Editors?

As support for CSS in browsers has matured in the last year, both WYSIWYG and Text-based HTML editors have appeared that allow the creation or the assistance of creating Cascading Style Sheet syntax. There are now at least two dozen editors supporting CSS syntax in some form. The W3C maintains an up-to-date list of these WYSIWYG and text-based editors.
MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions Answers
MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked HTML Interview Questions Answers

Do Url's Have Quotes Or Not?

Double or single quotes in URLs are optional. The tree following examples are equally valid

BODY {background: url(pics/wave.png) blue}
BODY {background: url("pics/wave.png") blue}
BODY {background: url('pics/wave.png') blue}

Can You Use Someone Else's Style Sheet Without Permission?

This is a somewhat fuzzy issue. As with HTML tags, style sheet information is given using a special language syntax. Use of the language is not copyrighted, and the syntax itself does not convey any content - only rendering information.

It is not a great idea to reference an external style sheet on someone else's server. Doing this is like referencing an in-line image from someone else's server in your HTML document. This can end up overloading a server if too many pages all over the net reference the same item. It can't hurt to contact the author of a style sheet, if known, to discuss using the style sheet, but this may not be possible. In any case, a local copy should be created and used instead of referencing a remote copy.

Document Style Semantics And Specification Language (dsssl)?

Document Style Semantics and Specification Language is an international standard, an expression language, a styling language for associating processing (formatting and transformation) with SGML documents, for example XML.

What Is Extensible Stylesheet Language (xsl)?

XSL is a proposed styling language for formatting XML (eXtensible Markup Language) documents. The proposal was submitted to the W3C by Microsoft, Inso, and ArborText.

Explain In Brief About The Term Css.

A stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in a markup language. Cascading Style Sheets are a big breakthrough in Web design because they allow developers to control the style and layout of multiple Web pages all at once.

What Are The Various Style Sheets?

Inline, external, imported and embedded are the different types of style sheets.

What Are Style Sheet Properties?

CSS Background
CSS Text
CSS Font
CSS Border
CSS Outline
CSS Margin
CSS Padding
CSS List
CSS Table

List Various Font Attributes Used In Style Sheet.


Explain Vbscript In Detail.

This is a scripting language developed by Microsoft and is based loosely on Visual Basic. Its functionality in a web environment is dependant upon either an ASP engine or the Windows Scripting Host, and must be used on a Windows hosting platform.

My Page Looks Good On One Browser, But Not On Another.

There are slight differences between browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, in areas such as page margins. The only real is to use standard HTML tags whenever possible, and view your pages in multiple browsers to see how they look.

When I Try To Upload My Site, All My Images Are X's. How Do I Get Them To Load Correctly?

They are a few reasons that this could happen. The most common are

1. You're attempting to use a .bmp or .tif or other non-supported file format. You can only use .gif and .jpg on the web. You must convert files that are not .gif or .jpg into a .gif or .jpg with your image/graphics program.
2. You've forgotten to upload the graphic files. Double-Check.
3. You've incorrectly linked to the images. When you are starting out, try just using the file name in the <img> tag. If you have cat.jpg, use img src="cat.jpg">. 4. Image file names are case-sensitive. If your file is called CaT.JpG, you cannot type cat.jpg, you must type CaT.JpG exactly in the src. 5. If all of the above fail, re-upload the image in BINARY mode. You may have accidentally uploaded the image in ASCII mode.

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