June 8, 2019


MuleSoft ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers

MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers

Can you explain Model, Controller and View in MVC?

Model — It’s a business entity and it is used to represent the application data.

Controller — Request sent by the user always scatters through controller and it’s responsibility is to redirect to the specific view using View() method.

View — It’s the presentation layer of MVC.

Explain the new features added in version 4 of MVC (MVC4)?

Following are features added newly –

→Asynchronous controller task support.

→Bundling the java scripts.

→Segregating the configs for MVC routing, Web API, Bundle etc.

→Mobile templates

→Added ASP.NET Web API template for creating REST based services.

→Asynchronous controller task support.

→Bundling the java scripts.

→Segregating the configs for MVC routing, Web API, Bundle etc.

Can you explain the page life cycle of MVC?

Below are the processed followed in the sequence -

→App initialization


→Instantiate and execute controller

→Locate and invoke controller action

→Instantiate and render view.

What are the advantages of MVC over ASP.NET?

→Provides a clean separation of concerns among UI (Presentation layer), model (Transfer objects/Domain Objects/Entities) and Business Logic (Controller).

→Easy to UNIT Test.

→Improved reusability of model and views. We can have multiple views which can point to the same model and vice versa.

→Improved structuring of the code.
MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers
MuleSoft Most Frequently Asked ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions Answers

What is Separation of Concerns in ASP.NET MVC?

It’s is the process of breaking the program into various distinct features which overlaps in functionality as little as possible. MVC pattern concerns on separating the content from presentation and data-processing from content.

How we can add the CSS in MVC?

Below is the sample code snippet to add css to razor views –

<link rel=”StyleSheet” href=”/@Href(~Content/Site.css”)” type=”text/css”/>

Can I add MVC Testcases in Visual Studio Express?

No. We cannot add the test cases in Visual Studio Express edition it can be added only in Professional and Ultimate versions of Visual Studio.

What is the use .Glimpse in MVC?

Glimpse is an open source tool for debugging the routes in MVC. It is the client side debugger. Glimpse has to be turned on by visiting to local url link -


This is a popular and useful tool for debugging which tracks the speed details, url details etc.

What is RouteConfig.cs in MVC 4?

“RouteConfig.cs” holds the routing configuration for MVC. RouteConfig will be initialized on Application_Start event registered in Global.asax.

What are Scaffold templates in MVC?

Scaffolding in ASP.NET MVC is used to generate the Controllers,Model and Views for create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) functionality in an application. The scaffolding will be knowing the naming conventions used for models and controllers and views.

Explain the types of Scaffoldings.

Below are the types of scaffoldings –







Can a view be shared across multiple controllers? If Yes, How we can do that?

Yes, we can share a view across multiple controllers. We can put the view in the “Shared” folder. When we create a new MVC Project we can see the Layout page will be added in the shared folder, which is because it is used by multiple child pages.

What is the difference between ViewBag and ViewData in MVC?

ViewBag is a wrapper around ViewData, which allows to create dynamic properties. Advantage of viewbag over viewdata will be –

In ViewBag no need to typecast the objects as in ViewData.

ViewBag will take advantage of dynamic keyword which is introduced in version 4.0. But before using ViewBag we have to keep in mind that ViewBag is slower than ViewData.

Explain TempData in MVC?

TempData is again a key, value pair as ViewData. This is derived from “TempDataDictionary” class. TempData is used when the data is to be used in two consecutive requests, this could be between the actions or between the controllers. This requires typecasting in view.

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