October 16, 2018


Gartner Most Frequently Asked Latest VB.NET Interview Questions Answers

Explain About Visual Basic.net Culture?

VB was always a RAD tool and it was always user friendly for any type of user whether professional or not. It also provided many users with shortcuts and features which made this language popular among many users. It had its share of debugging and maintenance issues of course.

Compare C# And Visual Basic.net?

.NET Frame work includes two languages which are language to IL compilers and in this C# and VB.NET are provided. The importance and flexibility of these as better programming languages is still questionable. Visual basic has been updated and revised to make it object oriented whereas C has concepts from many languages such as Delphi, Java. etc and syntax from C and Java.

Explain About The Performance Of Visual Basic?

Visual basic 5 and 6 are efficient in coding the code to native or P-code depending upon the programmer. Portability is a major addition to the performance of VB.NET and the code is also small. Additional layer is provided which interprets the code and this can be avoided by using special algorithms and native code programming.

What Are The Various Open Source Tool Available For Vb.net?

When compared with the rapid development of open source tools for other languages from Microsoft (C#, dc) we can say that development of tools for VB has been slow. Mono development platform is one which is implementing VB libraries and is working on a compiler.

Describe About Visual Basic.net?

This is used in conjunction with Microsoft NET platform and is a successor to visual basic sixth version. Visual basic is used in conjunction with.NET Framework. This tool has a serious defect it is not compatible with Microsoft visual basic sixth version. It has a huge library which assists programmers.

Explain Briefly About Rapid Application Development Tool?

Rapid action development tool describes about the software development process. This tool gives flexibility in iterative development and prototype deployment. It enhances the speed of application development. It is also used for application maintenance.
Gartner Most Frequently Asked Latest VB.NET Interview Questions Answers
Gartner Most Frequently Asked Latest VB.NET Interview Questions Answers

What Is Versioning In .net?

main advantage of .net is versioning and solve very critical problem.
.net maintain one application with more then one version and also solve DLL HELL problem because it can run same application with different version at a same time[.Net have an Assembly. It gives the Portable Execution file.The main use of assembly is to maintain the Dll and exe's.
So sometimes the programmer confused to which is modified code.That time the assembly provide the Version.That is called versioning. It is start from 1.0.*,.......]

What Are The Properties Should Be Given To Set Method?

Class Class1
' Define a local variable to store the property value.
[Ans: Only One Property.
Private PropertyValue As String
' Define the property.
Public Property Prop1() As String
' The Get property procedure is called when the value
' of a property is retrieved.
Return PropertyValue
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
' The Set property procedure is called when the value
' of a property is modified.
' The value to be assigned is passed in the
' argument to Set.
PropertyValue = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class

How Can We Assigns Items On Listbox So That It Will Show Rowwise Please Write The Code For It.

Lisbox1.Items.Add "Prashant"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Chinchu"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Pallavi"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Suresh"
Lisbox1.Items.Add "Polika"

What Is Vb.net?

Vb.net is a programming language that is available in Visual Studio. Net. It contains features of visual basic which is event based programming language and also includes object oriented concepts.
[VB.Net is a programming language which is an extension of Visual Basic to make it compliant to the Dot Net Framework. Also VB.Net is fully Object Oriented unlike Visual Basic and everything in VB.Net is an object. As it is compliant to the Dot Net Framework VB.Net can make full use of Framework Class Library provided by dot Net Framework.]

How Do You Validate Date By Using Which Validation Control?

<asp:regularexpressionvalidator id="regExpDate"
ErrorMessage="It is not a valid date"

What Does Vs.net Contains ?

Visual Studio .Net is basically a framework which makes easy development of codes written in Various programming languages.. It contains two things
1.Framework Class Library: It contains various classes managed within various namespaces.
2.Common Language Runtime: CLR is the execution engine which helps in compiling the IL code into machine code,takes care of security issues and many other critical tasks.Web pages, windows apps, console applications, Class libraries are various options which can be created using VS.net.

Name Some Of The Features Present In Vb 2005?

Some of the features present in VB 2005 are as follows: -
*Edit and continue: It allows developers to modify and execute applications almost simultaneously.
*Namespace: - This provides access to various parts of the NET framework and it also dynamically generates classes.
*Data source binding function is very useful for client server development.

How Can We Remove Handlers At Run Time?

Remove Handler myobj.myEvent, AddressOf MyEventHandler.

Write The Role Of New Keyword?

New is used to initialize a new object. We sets a variable to any datatype with help of New keyword. The New keyword gives a value to the variable. We can also uses new keyword to initialize an object variable.
Example:- dim obj as new SqlDataAdapter.

What Is Branching Logic Control In Vb.net?

Function and subroutines are the . The difference in two of them is function send information back from where it is called means function can return a value but subroutines cannot do this.

What Is Datatype Conversion In Vb.net?

Convert one variable type to another one is called datatype conversion we can also called this casting in VB.NET some automatically conversion is also there.
Cbool CByte CChar Cdate CDec CDbI Cmi CLng CObj CShort CSng CStr CType Asc.

Explain About The Ruby Interface Generator?

Ruby interface generator is primarily responsible for providing the visual part of the Visual basic and this was clubbed with “EB” designed for Omega database system. VBX interface was added to this feature which had the ability to load dynamic link libraries.

Explain About The Feature Anonymous Type?

Anonymous type is a feature of VB.NET and it allows data types to be created from the code which requires it. This feature is present in VB as well as C#. They should be stored in variables declared with the keyword VAR Dynamic typing is different and shouldn’t be confused with Anonymous type.

Which Is The Tool Which Can Convert Visual Basic Old Version To .net Compatibility Version?

There is a tool available which can convert old visual basic functions into new .NET code. Artin soft Visual basic upgrade Companion is very useful in converting V13 code into NET code. This tool was developed by Artin. This tool is integrated in Visual studio.NET 2005. It handles programs such as structured handling, error handling, etc.

What Would You Do To Remove Microsoft Visual Basic Name Space?

.NET has many new features and application supportive tools. To remove Microsoft visual basic name space all you have to do is to
1) Remove the import manually every time you start the project.
2) Creating a template which does not contain Microsoft Visual Basic namespace.
3) About new features and changes names you can refer to MSDN.

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