What Is Embedded Style? How To Link?
Embedded style is the style attached to one specific document. The style information is specified as a content of the STYLE element inside the HEAD element and will apply to the entire document.
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
P {text-indent: 10pt}
Note: The styling rules are written as a HTML comment, that is, between <!-- and --> to hide the content in browsers without CSS support which would otherwise be displayed.
How Do I Have A Background Image That Isn't Tiled?
Specify the background-repeat property as no-repeat. You can also use the background property as a shortcut for specifying multiple background-* properties at once. Here's an example
BODY {background: #FFF url(watermark.jpg) no-repeat;}
Embedded style is the style attached to one specific document. The style information is specified as a content of the STYLE element inside the HEAD element and will apply to the entire document.
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
P {text-indent: 10pt}
Note: The styling rules are written as a HTML comment, that is, between <!-- and --> to hide the content in browsers without CSS support which would otherwise be displayed.
How Do I Have A Background Image That Isn't Tiled?
Specify the background-repeat property as no-repeat. You can also use the background property as a shortcut for specifying multiple background-* properties at once. Here's an example
BODY {background: #FFF url(watermark.jpg) no-repeat;}
How Can I Copy Something From A Webpage To My Webpage?
1: Plaintext or any text information viewable from your browser can be easily copied like any other text from any other file.
2: HTML and web scripts - you will need to view the web page's source code. In the page's source code, copying the tags as well as all the information in-between these tags will usually enable the script to work on your web page.
3: Images, sounds, or movies - Almost all images, sounds, and movies can be copied to your computer and then viewed on your webpage. Images can be easily copied from a webpage by right-clicking an image and selecting "Save Picture as" or "Save Image as". Unless the sound or movies file has a direct link to download and save the file to a specified location on your hard disk drive or to view your Internet browser's cache and locate the sound or movie file saved in the cache.
4. Embedded objects - Looking at the source code of the object to determine the name of the file and how it is loaded, and copy both the code and the file.
Is It Possible To Make The Html Source Not Viewable?
In short, there is no real method or script for making standard HTML source code not viewable. You may consider doing any of the below if they are concerned about your source code.
1. Create the web page in Macromedia Flash or a similar program. The visitor would need to download the Macromedia Flash plug-in and would be unable to view the source code for the flash applet.
2. There are various scripts that will disable the right click feature, preventing the user from saving images or viewing the source. However, this will not protect the source code of your page. For example, Internet Explorer users may still click "View" and "Source" to view the source code of the page, or a user could disable scripts and images can be saved by simply saving the web page to the hard drive.
3. There are several programs that will help scramble your code, making it difficult (not impossible) to read. Again, this is not going to prevent someone from viewing your code.
Why Doesn't My Title Show Up When I Click "check It Out"?
You're probably looking at the wrong part of the screen. The Title usually shows up in the Title Bar on the Window, to the left of the minimize/maximize buttons on graphical browsers.
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Convergys Most Frequently Asked Latest HTML Interview Questions Answers |
What Is The Difference Between The Html Form Methods Get And Post?
The method parameter specifies which method the client is using to send information to the WEB server. The method determines which parameter you will find the CGI request data in
* POST - post_args
* GET - httpargs
How Do I Put Sounds For Older Versions Of Internet Explorer?
For older versions of Internet Explorer, this technique was used <BG SOUND="sound.ext">.
Can I Use Any Html In The Box?
Yes. Any HTML tag that your browser supports will work in the box. So you can carry tags from chapters to chapters and mix and match.
How To Transferring User To New Web Page Automatically?
You will need to use the below meta tag.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="2"; URL="http://www.yourname.com">
Placing the above tag in your <HEAD></HEAD> will load yousite.com in 2 seconds.
Changing the 2 value on CONTENT="2" to another value will increase or decrease the delay until loading the new page.
How Do I Keep People From Stealing My Source Code And/or Images?
Because copies of your HTML files and images are stored in cache, it is impossible to prevent someone from being able to save them onto their hard drive. If you are concerned about your images, you may wish to embed a watermark with your information into the image. Consult your image editing program's help file for more details.
The Colors On My Page Look Different When Viewed On A Mac And A Pc.
The Mac and the PC use slightly different color palettes. There is a 216 "browser safe" color palette that both platforms support; the Microsoft color picker page has some good information and links to other resources about this. In addition, the two platforms use different gamma (brightness) values, so a graphic that looks fine on the Mac may look too dark on the PC. The only way to address this problem is to tweak the brightness of your image so that it looks acceptable on both platforms.
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