Page Object Model Framework has now a days become very popular test automation framework in the industry and many companies are using it because of its easy test maintenance and reduces the duplication of code.
The main advantage of Page Object Model is that if the UI changes for any page, it don’t require us to change any tests, we just need to change only the code within the page objects (Only at one place).
The Page Object model provides the following advantages.
There is clean separation between test code and page specific code such as locators (or their use if you’re using a UI map) and layout.
There is single repository for the services or operations offered by the page rather than having these services scattered throughout the tests.
What is the default port for selenium Grid?
The default port used by the hub is 4444
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CISCO Systems Selenium Recently Asked Interview Questions Answers |
Selenium advantages and disadvantages?
Selenium is pure open source, freeware and portable tool.
Selenium supports variety of languages that include Java, Perl, Python, C#, Ruby, Groovy, Java Script, and VB Script. etc.
Selenium supports many operating systems like Windows, Macintosh, Linux, Unix etc.
Selenium supports many browsers like Internet explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari etc.
Selenium can be integrated with ANT or Maven kind of framework for source code compilation.
Selenium can be integrated with TestNG testing framework for testing our applications and generating reports.
Selenium can be integrated with Jenkins or Hudson for continuous integration.
Selenium can be integrated with other open source tools for supporting other features.
Selenium can be used for Android, IPhone, Blackberry etc. based application testing.
Selenium supports very less CPU and RAM consumption for script execution.
Selenium comes with different component to provide support to its parent which is Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid and Selenium Remote Control (RC).
Selenium needs very much expertise resources. The resource should also be very well versed in framework architecture.
Selenium only supports web based application and does not support windows based application.
It is difficult to test Image based application.
Selenium need outside support for report generation activity like dependence on TestNG or Jenkins.
Selenium does not support built in add-ins support.
Selenium user lacks online support for the problems they face.
Selenium does not provide any built in IDE for script generation and it need other IDE like Eclipse for writing scripts.
Selenium Automation Engineers are bit in scarcity these days.
Selenium script creation time is bit high.
Selenium does not support file upload facility.
Selenium partially supports for Dialog boxes.
From Which selenium version onwards –we have to use gecko driver for firefox?
Selenium 3.0
How to skip a test case in TestNG?
@Test(enabled=false) annotation is used to skip a test case in TestNG
How to find whether an element is a Multidrop down or not?
By using isMultiple()
For example:
Boolean b=driver.findElement(“year”)).isMultiple();
It retuns true if the element is multi drop down else false
What is the difference between getText() and getAttribute() ?
getText(): It is used to retrieve the text of a Text Element from the web page
For Example:
String Text = driver.findElement(“Text”)).getText();
getAttribute(): It is used to retrieve the text from a Text Field that is already eneterd into the text field.
For Example:
String Text = driver.findElement(“username”)).getAttribute();
How to select value in a dropdown?
To handle drop down, an object to be created to the Select class.
Select dropDown= new Select(element);
The value in the dropdown can be selected using 3 ways:
What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() command?
close(): This method is used to close the current active window of the browser.
quit(): This method is used to close all the associated windows of the browser that are opened.
How to handle Javascript Alerts or web-based pop-ups?
To handle Javascript Alerts, WebDriver provides an Interface called Alert.
First, we need to switch the driver focus to alerts.
Alert alert=driver.switchTo().alerts();
alert.getText() – The getText() method retrieves the text displayed on the alert box.
alert.accept() – The accept() method clicks on the “Ok” button as soon as the pop-up window appears.
alert.dismiss() – The accept() method clicks on the “Cancel” button as soon as the pop-up window appears.
alert.sendKeys(String stringToSend) – The sendKeys() method enters the specified string pattern into the alert box.
How to capture screenshot in WebDriver?
public String getScreenshot() throws Exception {
try {
return “Pass”;
catch(Exception e) {
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(“dd-MM-yyyy HH-mm-ss”);
Date dt = new Date();
File screenshotFile = ((TakesScreenshot) d).getScreenshotAs (OutputType.FILE);
FileUtils.copyFile(screenshotFile, new File(“F:\\Selenium_Scripts_Feb17\\Results\\”+dateFormat.format(dt)+”.png”));
return “Fail”;
Write a code to login into any site showing uthentication pop-up for username and password?
//Pass Username and Password in URL itself
How do you send ENTER key?
How do you access Firefox profiles in WebDriver?
//create object of ProfilesIni class which holds all the profiles of FF
ProfilesIni pr=new ProfilesIni():
//To load the profile
FirefoxProfile fp=pr.get(“user”);
WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver(fp);
What are the different types of Waits or Synchrinization commands in WebDriver?
Usually, the time delay between two webdriver elements is 0 milliseconds but the application speed varies based on different factors:
Internet speed
Server response time
System configuration
To avoid the timing errors(Synchronization errors) between the tool (webdriver) and application, we take the help of Synchronization commands.
Implicit Wait: It is used to define wait for all the elements of WebDriver.
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Explicit Wait: It is used to define wait for specific element of WebDriver.
WebDriverWait wait=new WebDriverWait(driver, 30);
Write a syntax to scroll down a page in selenium?
JavascriptExecutor jsx=((JavascriptExecutor) driver);
How to check if text is present on a web page?
String text=”Selenium”;
boolean isTextPresent=(driver.getPageSource()).contains(text);
System.out.println(text+” is present in the web page”);
What are the different exceptions in Selenium web driver?
The different exceptions in Selenium web drivers are
How to handle MouseHover?
By using moveToElement() method in Actions class
//Create an object to Actions class
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
How to handle Frames?
How to switch from child frame to parent frame?
To switch back from child frame to parent frame use method parentFrame()
Explain how to switch back from a frame?
To switch back from a frame use method defaultContent()
What is the difference between “/” and “//”
Single Slash “/” – Single slash is used to create XPath with absolute path i.e. it locates the element from the root node.
Double Slash “//” – Double slash is used to create XPath with relative path i.e. it locates the element from the current node.
What is the difference between Assert and Verify in Selenium?
There is no difference between Assert and Verify in a positive scenario.
Assert: If the assert condition is true then the program control will execute the next test step but if the condition is false, the execution will stop and further test step will not be executed.
Verify: If the verify condition is true then the program control will execute the next test step but if the condition is false, the execution of the current step will be skipped and further test step will be executed.
What is the super interface of WebDriver?
SearchContext is the super interface of WebDriver
How many ways can we load a web page?
We can load a webpage(url) in two ways:
How can we maximize browser window and delete cookies in Selenium?
To maximize browser window in selenium we use maximize() method.
To delete cookies we use deleteAllCookies() method.
Write down scenarios which we can’t automate?
Barcode Reader, Captcha etc.
In TestNG I have some test’s Test1-Test2-Test3-Test4-Test5I want to run my execution order is Test5-Test1-Test3-Test2-Test4.How do you set the execution order can you explain for that?
Use priority parameter in @test annotation or TestNG annotations.
public class testngexecution { @Test(priority=2)public void test1(){System.out.print(“Inside Test1”); }@Test(priority=4)public void test2(){System.out.print(“Inside Test2”); }@Test(priority=3)public void test3(){System.out.print(“Inside Test3”); }@Test(priority=5)public void test4(){System.out.print(“Inside Test4”); }@Test(priority=1)public void test5(){System.out.print(“Inside Test5”); }
Differences between jxl and ApachePOI.
jxl does not support XLSX files
jxl exerts less load on memory as compared to ApachePOI
jxl doesn’t support rich text formatting while ApachePOI does.
jxl has not been maintained properly while ApachePOI is more up to date.
Sample code on Apache POI is easily available as compare to jxl.
How to ZIP files in Selenium with an Example?
// Sample Function to make zip of reports
public static void zip(String filepath){
File inputFolder=new File(‘Mention file path her”);
File outputFolder=new File(“”);
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFolder)));
BufferedInputStream in = null;
byte[] data = new byte[1000];
String files[] = inputFolder.list();
for (int j=0; j<files.length; i++)
in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream
(inputFolder.getPath() + “/” + files[j]), 1000);
out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(files[j]));
int totalcount;
while((totalcount=,0,1000)) != -1)
out.write(data, 0, totalcount);
catch(Exception e)
return “Fail – ” + e.getMessage();
What is default port no?
If Default port no is busy how to change port no?
We can use any port number which is valid.. First create an object to remote control configuration.
Use ‘setPort’ method and provide valid port number(4545,5555,5655, etc).. There after attach this
remote control configuration object to selenium server..i.e
RemoteControlConfiguration r= new RemoteControlConfiguration();
SeleniumServer s= new SeleniumServer(r);
Does Selenium support https protocols?
Majorly asked test scenario with framework in Interviews?
Majorly asked are:
Login for Gmail scenario
Goggle search and finding no of results
Downloading a file and save it
Checking mails and deleting them
Do shopping in
Selenium support mobile applications?
No, it is browser automation tool, it only automates Websites opening in mobile browser, and mobile APPs can’t be automated.
What is wraps Driver?
For casting selenium instance to selenium2 (webdriver). wraps driver is used.
Can you explain Junit Annotation? If there are 1000 test cases. 500 test cases are executed. How will you execute the rest of the test cases by using annotation?
The annotations generated with JUnit 4 tests in Selenium are:
@Before public void method() – Will perform the method() before each test. This method can prepare the test
@Test public void method() – Annotation @Test identifies that this method is a test method.environment,e.g. read input data, initialize the class)
@After public void method() – Test method must start with test@Before – this annotation is used for executing a method before
Difference between assert and verify in selenium web driver.
When an “assert” fails, the test will be aborted. Assert is best used when the check value has to pass for the test to be able to continue to run log in.
Where if a “verify” fails, the test will continue executing and logging the failure. Verify is best used to check non critical things. Like the presence of a headline element.
“I want to find the location of “”b”” in the below code, how can I find out without using xpath, name,id, csslocator, index.
• driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[contains(text(),’b’)]”)).click(); or
• //div/button[contains(text(),’b’]
How to do Applet testing using selenium?
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