September 6, 2018


Some Easy Ways to Promote Your Business on Social Media

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, youtube they are all free platforms businesses can use to directly engage with their audiences. The idea that engagement is easy, free, and quick.

1. Be yourself

The key to success is authenticity. When you genuinely enjoy what you do, it is reflected through your posts and engagement on Twitter and Facebook.

2. Keep it short, sweet and awesome

By creating concepts that are headlines in themselves such as “Celebrate the creativity of our city! Culture Days” You are posting simple, eye-catching content that is easily shareable.

3. Don’t just link

Some people use their social networking sites to post links lots and lots of links. Relevant links are great, but it’s not enough. Use the link as a way to highlight your expertise and opinions - all the while promoting yourself.

Some Easy Ways to Promote Your Business on Social Media
Some Easy Ways to Promote Your Business on Social Media

If you find a great article about a topic in your field of interest, instead of just tweeting the URL, post the URL with your thoughts. What is the best part? Are there statements made with which you disagree? Can you give a real-world example of some concept the article discusses?

4. Dress it up with multimedia

Sometimes, visual images stick in a person’s mind more than words do. Today’s social networking services make it easy to dress up your posts with more than just text!

Are you an artist posting about a recent project? Add a few photos taken in the studio. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a video worth? Want to promote your songwriting talents? How about a video showing a clip of your latest melody?

5. Follow

Follow the leader? Nah, follow your following. Following back is not only a nice gesture, but also when someone starts following you; you want to know what they’re all about.

6. Put your Twitter handle in your email signature

How many emails do you send per day? Now imagine each email you send is a chance for someone new to find out about your awesome Twitter page!

Get the word out about your participation in Culture Days by including this specially designed graphic in your e-mail signature. Just copy and paste it under your e Signature and let everyone know that you’re involved in the largest arts & cultural public participation campaign.

7. Tag Culture Days

By tagging Culture Days in your Twitter and Facebook posts, other the growing Culture Days network will be able to see your page and you may get some cross-traffic.

8. Put a custom banner on your website or blog

Let the world know about your Culture Days activity. Putting a customized web banner on your website/blog will get it in front of all of your visitors.

9. Link your activity page through Facebook and Twitter

Copy and paste your Culture Days activity page and put it under the “links” section (on Facebook) and “website” section (on Twitter) to invite your friends. More people than you think check that part of your profile!

10. Timing

Posting regularly is important, but it’s just as important not to over-post. It’s much better to space them out throughout the day, so that your followers and friends don’t get overwhelmed or lose interest in what you have to say after seeing several posts in a row from you. Facebook, for example, will hide some of the posts in your friends’ feed if there are many in a row from the same person, so they might not even see them all if they don’t explicitly click the link to see more.

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