Dell EMC Selenium Recently Asked Interview Questions

How to find whether an element is a Multidrop down or not?

By using isMultiple()

For example:

Boolean b=driver.findElement(“year”)).isMultiple();


It retuns true if the element is multi drop down else false

What is the difference between getText() and getAttribute() ?

getText(): It is used to retrieve the text of a Text Element from the web page

For Example:

String Text = driver.findElement(“Text”)).getText();

getAttribute(): It is used to retrieve the text from a Text Field that is already eneterd into the text field.

For Example:

String Text = driver.findElement(“username”)).getAttribute();
Dell EMC Selenium Recently Asked Interview Questions Answers
Dell EMC Selenium Recently Asked Interview Questions Answers

How to select value in a dropdown?

To handle drop down, an object to be created to the Select class.

Select dropDown= new Select(element);

The value in the dropdown can be selected using 3 ways:



What is the difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() command?

close(): This method is used to close the current active window of the browser.

quit(): This method is used to close all the associated windows of the browser that are opened.

Majorly asked test scenario with framework in Interviews?

Majorly asked are:

Login for Gmail scenario
Goggle search and finding no of results
Downloading a file and save it
Checking mails and deleting them
Do shopping in

Selenium support mobile applications?

No, it is browser automation tool, it only automates Websites opening in mobile browser, and mobile APPs can’t be automated.

What is wraps Driver?

For casting selenium instance to selenium2 (webdriver). wraps driver is used.

Can you explain Junit Annotation? If there are 1000 test cases. 500 test cases are executed. How will you execute the rest of the test cases by using annotation?

The annotations generated with JUnit 4 tests in Selenium are:

@Before public void method() – Will perform the method() before each test. This method can prepare the test
@Test public void method() – Annotation @Test identifies that this method is a test method.environment,e.g. read input data, initialize the class)
@After public void method() – Test method must start with test@Before – this annotation is used for executing a method before

Difference between assert and verify in selenium web driver.

When an “assert” fails, the test will be aborted. Assert is best used when the check value has to pass for the test to be able to continue to run log in.
Where if a “verify” fails, the test will continue executing and logging the failure. Verify is best used to check non critical things. Like the presence of a headline element.

“I want to find the location of “”b”” in the below code, how can I find out without using xpath, name,id, csslocator, index.
• driver.findElement(By.xpath(“//*[contains(text(),’b’)]”)).click(); or
• //div/button[contains(text(),’b’]

How to do Applet testing using selenium?

Please see below URLs:

Name 5 different exceptions you had in selenium web driver and mention what instance you got it and how do you resolve it?

WebDriver Exception comes when we try to perform any action on the non-existing
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

When we try to perform an action i.e., either accept() or dismiss() which is not required
at a required place; gives us this exception.
catch (NoAlertPresentException E){

When we try to switch to an window which is not present gives us this exception:
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
In the above snippet, line 3 throws us an exception, as we are trying to switch to an
window that is not present.

Similar to Window exception, Frame exception mainly comes during switching between the frames.
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
In the above snippet, line 3 throws us an exception, as we are trying to switch to an
frame that is not present.

This exception is thrown when we WebDriver doesn’t find the web-element in the DOM.
WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Thrown when a command does not complete in enough time.
All the above exceptions were handled using try catch exceptions.

How do you manage the code versions in your project?

Using SVN or other versioning tools

Latest version of Firefox and selenium in market and the version on which you are testing which you are testing.

FF Latest version till Dec,2013 for windows7,64 bit :26.0.I use FF 25.0.1 (ur ans. may differ)
Selenium web driver latest version till dec,2013- 2.39.0 I use selenium 2.37 see latest at

How to know all the methods supported in web driver and its syntax.

In Org.openqa.selenium package, web driver interface has all the main methods that can be used in Selenium Web driver

How do you create html test report from your test script?

I would see below 3 ways:

Junit: with the help of ANT.
TestNG: using inbuilt default.html to get the HTML report. Also XLST reports from ANT, Selenium, TestNG combination.
Using our own customized reports using XSL jar for converting XML content to HTML.

List the browsers, OS supported by the Selenium Windows Linux Mac

Safari Y N Y
Opera Y Y Y
Chrome Y Y Y

Can you explain Selenium Mobile Automation?

Some Good urls’s till the time i write custom document for it.

How to highlight an object like qtp/uft does through selenium and java?

public void highlightElement(WebDriver driver, WebElement element) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
js.executeScript(“arguments[0].setAttribute(‘style’, arguments[1]);”, element, “color: yellow; border: 2px solid yellow;”);
js.executeScript(“arguments[0].setAttribute(‘style’, arguments[1]);”, element, “”);
Call the highlightElement method and pass webdriver and WebElement which you want to highlight as arguments.

Automation Testing Lifecycle?

Requirement Gathering

 What is Selenium?

Selenium is Open source tool.
Selenium supports to automate the web applications.
Selenium is a suite of Software tools. It is a not a single tool. With the help of other third-party tools will build a selenium framework.
It will support various browsers
It will support various Languages
It will support various operating Systems.

List out the Selenium Components?

IDE – Selenium Integrated Development Environment
RC- Selenium Remote Control
Selenium Grid

Difference between Selenium & QTP?

Selenium QTP
Open Source Paid
More Add-Ons we can use Limited add-ons Only
It will support multiple browsers It will support only Firefox, Chrome, IE
Supports different OS It will support only Windows
It will support Mobile Devices QTP Supports Mobile app test automation (iOS & Android) using HP solution called – HP Mobile Center
Can execute tests while the browser is minimized Not Possible here
Can execute tests in parallel. Can only execute in parallel but using Quality Center which is again a paid product.

What are all the collections concepts mainly will use in selenium?


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