February 6, 2019


General Law Freshers Advanced Interview Questions And Answers

What Is Law?

All the rules of conduct established and enforced by the authority, legislation or custom of a given community, state or other group is called law.

What Is Consumer Protection?

This is the collection of laws designed to protect the interests of consumers as regards such things as the supply of goods and services and provision of credit or hire purchase facilities.

What Is A Person To Whom Property Is Due To Pass Under A Will Or Trust Called?


What Is A Written Voluntary Statement Given Under Oath Called?


What Does Section Of Ipc 179 Stand For?

Refusing to answer public servant authorized to question.

What Does Section Of Ipc 302 Stand For?

Punishment of murder.

What Does Section Of Ipc 420 Stand For?

Cheating and dishonesty inducing delivery of property.

What Does Section Of Ipc 268 Stand For?

Public nuisance.

What Does Section Of Ipc 364 Stand For?

Kidnapping or abducting in order to murder.

Who Is The First Law Officer Of The Government Of India?

The Attorney General of India.

Who In India Is Not Answerable To Any Court Of Law For The Exercise Of The Powers And Duties Of His Office?

The President of India.

What Is Breach Of Contract?

The breaking of an obligation under a contract which there by confers a right of action upon the injured party. He may be entitled to treat the contract as that an end of alternatively seek its proper  performance and in event claimed damage.

A Written Document Which Is Signed And Given Under Seal Is Called What?


What Is The Legal Dissolution Of A Marriage Which Has Broken Down Irretrievably Called?


What Is Inquest?

An enquiry conducted by a coroner before a jury into the death of a person who has been killed, died suddenly or in prison or under suspicious circumstances.

What Is Jurisdiction?

The authority which a court has to decide matters that are litigated before it.

What Is Called Bequest Or Gift Of A Personal Property Left To A Person By A Will?


What Is Quid-­pro­-quo?

One thing in return for another.

What Is Called A Person Who Brings An Action Into A Court Of Law?


What Is A Privilege?

A special immunity or exemption conferred on some person or body by virtue office or status.

Who Is Next To Kin?

The Next to Kin is nearest blood relation.

What Is ‘res Ipsa Loquitor’?

The thing speaks for itself. A phrase used in actions for injury caused by negligence where the mere fact of accident occurring raises the inference of the defendant’s negligence.

What Is Called A Person Who Gives Security To Satisfy The Obligation Of Another?


Who Is An Attorney?

Attorney is a person appointed by another to represent or look after their interests, normally by the grant of a power of attorney.

Who Is A Lawyer?

Lawyer is a person who has been trained in law, especially one whose profession is advising others in matters of law or representing them in laws.

Who Is Law Maker?

It is a person who makes or helps to make laws especially a member of legislature; legislator

What Is A Bail?

The conditional release from custody of an accused person upon the surety of others, who are forfeit the sums of money specified when bail is granted, should the accused fail to attend at the future appointed time and place.

Who Is Bailee?

A person to whom the possession of goods is entrusted by another (the bailor) usually the owner. No transfer of ownership is involved and the bailee is bound to take care of the goods and deliver them up when requested.

Who Is A Bailiff?

This is an officer of the Court, subordinate to the chief, who normally undertakes such duties as the serving of writs, seizure of goods, eviction and carrying out other court orders.

What Is Habeas Corpus?

A writ demanding the releasing of a person detained in custody which requires that person to be brought before the court

What Is An Injunction?

This is an order of decree of the court requiring a person to refrain from (preventive) or to do (compulsive) a particular thing. An injection may be granted as an interim measure or be perpetual but failure to comply constitutes contempt of court.

What Is Called The Proof Of A Witness By Oral Evidence?


What Is Ultra Vires?

A thing done outside the scope of the authority conferred by law.

What Is A Reason Or Grounds Of A Judicial Decision Called?

Ratio Decidendi.

What Is The Person Who Attests (witnesses) Deeds Or Writings To Make Them Authentic Particularly For Use In Another Country Called?


What Is Patent?

This is a privilege granted by letters patent and registered for the exclusive use and benefit to the inventor or discover of some new process or inventions. A patent usually lasts 20 years although it can be extended.

Who Is A Patent Agent?

Patent agent is the one practices in the registration of patents.

What Is Murder?

It is an unlawful homicide committed with malice aforethought. Death must normally result within a year or day after the cause of death has been administered.

What Is Post­mor­tem Examination (autopsy)?

It is an examination and dissection of a dead body, especially by a corner, to discover the cause of death, damage done by disease, etc.

What Is Criminology?

The study of crime and criminals.

What Does Ipc Stands For?

Indian Penal Code.

What Is Movable Property?

The words “movable property” are intended to include corporeal property of every description, except land and things attached to the earth, or permanently fastened to anything which is attached to the earth.

Who Is A Counterfeit?

A person is said to “counterfeit” who cause one thing to resemble another thing intending by means of that resemblance to practice deception, or knowing it to be likely that deception will there by practiced.

What Is A Culpable Homicide?

Whoever causes death by doing act with the intention of causing death or with the intension of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death or with the knowledge, that he is likely by such act to cause death, commit the offence of culpable death.

What Is The Punishment For Robbery?

Whoever commits robbery shall be punished with rigorous punishment for a term which may extent to ten years, and shall also be liable to find; and if the robbery be committed on the highway between sunset and sunrise, the imprisonment may be extended to fourteen years.

What Does Section Of Ipc 177 Stand For?

Furnishing false information.

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