Write a C# Program to merge two sorted linked list:
This can be solved by comparing each node of first list with second one and inserting nodes from second to first where ever there is a need.
public void MergeSortedList(Node first, Node second)
//we would be adding node from second list to first list
//If second node data id more than first one then exchange it
if(first.data.ToString().compareto(second.data.ToString()) > 0)
node t = first;
first = second;
second = first;
head = first;//Assign head to first Node
while ((first.next != null ) && (second != null))
if (Convert.ToInt32(first.next.data.ToString())) < Convert.ToInt32(first.data.ToString()))
first = first.next;//iterate over the first node
Node n = first.next;
Node t = second.next;
first.next = second;
second.next = n;
first = first.next;
second = t;
if (first.next = null)
first.next = second;
This can be solved by comparing each node of first list with second one and inserting nodes from second to first where ever there is a need.
public void MergeSortedList(Node first, Node second)
//we would be adding node from second list to first list
//If second node data id more than first one then exchange it
if(first.data.ToString().compareto(second.data.ToString()) > 0)
node t = first;
first = second;
second = first;
head = first;//Assign head to first Node
while ((first.next != null ) && (second != null))
if (Convert.ToInt32(first.next.data.ToString())) < Convert.ToInt32(first.data.ToString()))
first = first.next;//iterate over the first node
Node n = first.next;
Node t = second.next;
first.next = second;
second.next = n;
first = first.next;
second = t;
if (first.next = null)
first.next = second;
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