August 13, 2024


Sql Server Complex queries asking in interviews

Here is a list of complex SQL Server queries that might be asked in interviews, which cover advanced SQL concepts such as subqueries, window functions, CTEs, and more:

Complex Queries

  1. Find Top N Salaries by Department

    WITH RankedSalaries AS (
    SELECT Department, Salary, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Department ORDER BY Salary DESC) AS Rank FROM Employees ) SELECT Department, Salary FROM RankedSalaries WHERE Rank <= 5;
  2. Find the Previous and Next Employee Salaries

    SELECT EmployeeID, Salary,
    LAG(Salary, 1) OVER (ORDER BY Salary) AS PreviousSalary, LEAD(Salary, 1) OVER (ORDER BY Salary) AS NextSalary FROM Employees;
  3. Get the Employees Who Earn More Than the Average Salary of Their Department

    WITH AvgSalaries AS (
    SELECT Department, AVG(Salary) AS AvgSalary FROM Employees GROUP BY Department ) SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.Salary FROM Employees e INNER JOIN AvgSalaries a ON e.Department = a.Department WHERE e.Salary > a.AvgSalary;
  4. Find Employees with Duplicate Names in Different Departments

    SELECT FirstName, LastName, COUNT(*)
    FROM Employees GROUP BY FirstName, LastName HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT Department) > 1;
  5. Get Hierarchical Data Using Recursive CTE

    WITH EmployeeHierarchy AS (
    SELECT EmployeeID, ManagerID, FirstName, 1 AS Level FROM Employees WHERE ManagerID IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.ManagerID, e.FirstName, h.Level + 1 FROM Employees e INNER JOIN EmployeeHierarchy h ON e.ManagerID = h.EmployeeID ) SELECT * FROM EmployeeHierarchy;
  6. Find Departments with More Than the Average Number of Employees

    WITH DeptCounts AS (
    SELECT Department, COUNT(*) AS DeptCount FROM Employees GROUP BY Department ), AvgDeptCount AS ( SELECT AVG(DeptCount) AS AvgCount FROM DeptCounts ) SELECT Department FROM DeptCounts WHERE DeptCount > (SELECT AvgCount FROM AvgDeptCount);
  7. Calculate Running Total of Salaries

    SELECT EmployeeID, Salary,
  8. Find Gaps in Employee IDs

    SELECT e1.EmployeeID + 1 AS MissingID
    FROM Employees e1 LEFT JOIN Employees e2 ON e1.EmployeeID + 1 = e2.EmployeeID WHERE e2.EmployeeID IS NULL ORDER BY e1.EmployeeID;
  9. Get Monthly Sales Growth

    SELECT SalesMonth, SalesAmount,
    LAG(SalesAmount, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SalesMonth) AS PreviousMonthSales, SalesAmount - LAG(SalesAmount, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SalesMonth) AS Growth FROM Sales;
  10. Find Employees with the Highest Salary in Their Department

    WITH MaxSalaries AS (
    SELECT Department, MAX(Salary) AS MaxSalary FROM Employees GROUP BY Department ) SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName, e.Salary FROM Employees e INNER JOIN MaxSalaries m ON e.Department = m.Department AND e.Salary = m.MaxSalary;
  11. List Customers Who Made Purchases in All Years

    SELECT CustomerID
    FROM Purchases GROUP BY CustomerID HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT YEAR(PurchaseDate)) = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT YEAR(PurchaseDate)) FROM Purchases);
  12. Get the Most Recent Purchase for Each Customer

    SELECT CustomerID, MAX(PurchaseDate) AS MostRecentPurchase
    FROM Purchases GROUP BY CustomerID;
  13. Find Products That Have Not Been Sold

    SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName
    FROM Products p LEFT JOIN Sales s ON p.ProductID = s.ProductID WHERE s.ProductID IS NULL;
  14. Find the Top 3 Products with the Highest Total Sales

    SELECT TOP 3 p.ProductID, p.ProductName, SUM(s.SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
    FROM Products p INNER JOIN Sales s ON p.ProductID = s.ProductID GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.ProductName ORDER BY TotalSales DESC;
  15. Compare Sales for the Current Year to the Previous Year

    WITH SalesComparison AS (
    SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(SaleDate) ) SELECT c.SaleYear AS CurrentYear, p.SaleYear AS PreviousYear, c.TotalSales - p.TotalSales AS SalesDifference FROM SalesComparison c LEFT JOIN SalesComparison p ON c.SaleYear = p.SaleYear + 1;
  16. Calculate Yearly Average Sales Growth

    WITH YearlySales AS (
    SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(SaleDate) ) SELECT SaleYear, TotalSales, LAG(TotalSales, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear) AS PreviousYearSales, (TotalSales - LAG(TotalSales, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear)) / LAG(TotalSales, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear) * 100 AS GrowthPercentage FROM YearlySales;
  17. Find Orders with No Items

    SELECT o.OrderID
    FROM Orders o LEFT JOIN OrderItems oi ON o.OrderID = oi.OrderID WHERE oi.OrderID IS NULL;
  18. Find the Most Frequent Product Category

    SELECT TOP 1 Category, COUNT(*) AS Frequency
    FROM Products GROUP BY Category ORDER BY Frequency DESC;
  19. Find Employees Who Have Not Received a Raise in the Last Year

    SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName
    FROM Employees WHERE LastRaiseDate < DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE());
  20. Get a List of All Employees and Their Managers

    SELECT e.EmployeeID AS EmployeeID, e.FirstName AS EmployeeName, m.FirstName AS ManagerName
    FROM Employees e LEFT JOIN Employees m ON e.ManagerID = m.EmployeeID;
  21. Find Employees Who Have Worked in Multiple Departments

    SELECT EmployeeID
    FROM Employees GROUP BY EmployeeID HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT DepartmentID) > 1;
  22. Get the Average Salary for Each Manager

    SELECT ManagerID, AVG(Salary) AS AvgSalary
    FROM Employees GROUP BY ManagerID;
  23. Find the Departments with the Highest Turnover Rate

    WITH EmployeeCounts AS (
    SELECT DepartmentID, COUNT(*) AS NumEmployees FROM Employees GROUP BY DepartmentID ), Departures AS ( SELECT DepartmentID, COUNT(*) AS NumDepartures FROM Departures GROUP BY DepartmentID ) SELECT e.DepartmentID, (NumDepartures * 1.0 / NumEmployees) AS TurnoverRate FROM EmployeeCounts e INNER JOIN Departures d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID ORDER BY TurnoverRate DESC;
  24. Get Top 5 Products by Revenue for Each Category

    WITH ProductRevenue AS (
    SELECT p.Category, p.ProductID, p.ProductName, SUM(s.SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue FROM Products p INNER JOIN Sales s ON p.ProductID = s.ProductID GROUP BY p.Category, p.ProductID, p.ProductName ) SELECT Category, ProductID, ProductName, TotalRevenue FROM ( SELECT Category, ProductID, ProductName, TotalRevenue, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Category ORDER BY TotalRevenue DESC) AS Rank FROM ProductRevenue ) AS RankedProducts WHERE Rank <= 5;
  25. Get the Date of the First Sale for Each Product

    SELECT ProductID, MIN(SaleDate) AS FirstSaleDate
    FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID;
  26. Find Employees Whose Salary is Above the Department Average and Their Managers' Salaries Are Below the Average

    WITH DepartmentAverages AS (
    SELECT DepartmentID, AVG(Salary) AS AvgSalary FROM Employees GROUP BY DepartmentID ), EmployeeSalaries AS ( SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.Salary, e.ManagerID, d.AvgSalary FROM Employees e INNER JOIN DepartmentAverages d ON e.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID ) SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.Salary FROM EmployeeSalaries e INNER JOIN EmployeeSalaries m ON e.ManagerID = m.EmployeeID WHERE e.Salary > e.AvgSalary AND m.Salary < e.AvgSalary;
  27. Get the Top 3 Most Expensive Items Sold in Each Store

    WITH RankedItems AS (
    SELECT StoreID, ItemID, ItemName, SalePrice, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY StoreID ORDER BY SalePrice DESC) AS Rank FROM Sales ) SELECT StoreID, ItemID, ItemName, SalePrice FROM RankedItems WHERE Rank <= 3;
  28. List Customers with More Than 5 Orders in the Last Month

    SELECT CustomerID, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfOrders
    FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate > DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE()) GROUP BY CustomerID HAVING COUNT(*) > 5;
  29. Find Employees Who Have a Salary Higher than the Highest Salary of Their Manager

    WITH ManagerSalaries AS (
    SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.Salary AS EmployeeSalary, m.Salary AS ManagerSalary FROM Employees e INNER JOIN Employees m ON e.ManagerID = m.EmployeeID ) SELECT EmployeeID, EmployeeSalary FROM ManagerSalaries WHERE EmployeeSalary > ManagerSalary;
  30. Calculate the Cumulative Sales for Each Product

    SELECT ProductID, SaleDate, SalesAmount,
    SUM(SalesAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY SaleDate) AS CumulativeSales FROM Sales;
  31. Find the Most Common Purchase Date

    SELECT TOP 1 PurchaseDate, COUNT(*) AS Frequency
    FROM Purchases GROUP BY PurchaseDate ORDER BY Frequency DESC;
  32. Find Customers Who Made Purchases in Consecutive Months

    WITH MonthlyPurchases AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, YEAR(PurchaseDate) AS PurchaseYear, MONTH(PurchaseDate) AS PurchaseMonth FROM Purchases GROUP BY CustomerID, YEAR(PurchaseDate), MONTH(PurchaseDate) ), ConsecutiveMonths AS ( SELECT CustomerID, PurchaseYear, PurchaseMonth, LEAD(PurchaseYear, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY PurchaseYear, PurchaseMonth) AS NextYear, LEAD(PurchaseMonth, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY PurchaseYear, PurchaseMonth) AS NextMonth FROM MonthlyPurchases ) SELECT CustomerID FROM ConsecutiveMonths WHERE (NextYear = PurchaseYear AND NextMonth = PurchaseMonth + 1) OR (NextYear = PurchaseYear + 1 AND NextMonth = 1 AND PurchaseMonth = 12);
  33. List Products That Have Not Been Sold in the Last Year

    SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName
    FROM Products p LEFT JOIN Sales s ON p.ProductID = s.ProductID AND s.SaleDate > DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE()) WHERE s.ProductID IS NULL;
  34. Calculate the Percentage Change in Sales Month-over-Month

    WITH MonthlySales AS (
    SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, MONTH(SaleDate) AS SaleMonth, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(SaleDate), MONTH(SaleDate) ) SELECT SaleYear, SaleMonth, TotalSales, LAG(TotalSales, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear, SaleMonth) AS PreviousMonthSales, (TotalSales - LAG(TotalSales, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear, SaleMonth)) * 100.0 / LAG(TotalSales, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear, SaleMonth) AS PercentageChange FROM MonthlySales;
  35. Find Employees Who Have Worked on All Projects

    SELECT EmployeeID FROM ProjectAssignments GROUP BY EmployeeID HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT ProjectID) = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ProjectID) FROM Projects);
  36. Find the Top 5 Products with the Highest Average Rating

    SELECT TOP 5 p.ProductID, p.ProductName, AVG(r.Rating) AS AvgRating
    FROM Products p INNER JOIN Reviews r ON p.ProductID = r.ProductID GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.ProductName ORDER BY AvgRating DESC;
  37. List Employees with the Most Direct Reports

    SELECT ManagerID, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfReports
    FROM Employees GROUP BY ManagerID ORDER BY NumberOfReports DESC;
  38. Find Orders with the Highest Total Amount in Each Year

    WITH YearlyOrderTotals AS (
    SELECT YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrderYear, OrderID, SUM(Amount) AS TotalAmount FROM OrderDetails GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate), OrderID ) SELECT OrderYear, OrderID, TotalAmount FROM ( SELECT OrderYear, OrderID, TotalAmount, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY OrderYear ORDER BY TotalAmount DESC) AS Rank FROM YearlyOrderTotals ) AS RankedOrders WHERE Rank = 1;
  39. Get the Most Expensive Item Purchased by Each Customer

    SELECT CustomerID, MAX(SaleAmount) AS MostExpensiveItem
    FROM Sales GROUP BY CustomerID;
  40. Find the Longest Consecutive Sales Days

    WITH DateSequences AS (
    SELECT SaleDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SaleDate) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY SaleDate) AS Sequence FROM Sales ) SELECT MIN(SaleDate) AS StartDate, MAX(SaleDate) AS EndDate, COUNT(*) AS ConsecutiveDays FROM DateSequences GROUP BY Sequence ORDER BY ConsecutiveDays DESC;
  41. List Employees Who Have Not Been Assigned to Any Project

    SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName
    FROM Employees e LEFT JOIN ProjectAssignments pa ON e.EmployeeID = pa.EmployeeID WHERE pa.EmployeeID IS NULL;
  42. Find the Total Sales for Each Product Category Over Time

    SELECT p.Category, YEAR(s.SaleDate) AS SaleYear, SUM(s.SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
    FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Products p ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID GROUP BY p.Category, YEAR(s.SaleDate) ORDER BY p.Category, SaleYear;
  43. Find the Employees Who Have Received the Highest Number of Bonuses

    SELECT EmployeeID, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfBonuses
    FROM Bonuses GROUP BY EmployeeID ORDER BY NumberOfBonuses DESC;
  44. Get the Average Order Amount for Each Customer by Year

    SELECT CustomerID, YEAR(OrderDate) AS OrderYear, AVG(TotalAmount) AS AvgOrderAmount
    FROM Orders GROUP BY CustomerID, YEAR(OrderDate) ORDER BY CustomerID, OrderYear;
  45. Calculate the Total Revenue Generated by Each Salesperson

    SELECT SalespersonID, SUM(TotalAmount) AS TotalRevenue
    FROM Sales GROUP BY SalespersonID;
  46. Find Products That Have Been Sold with All Possible Discounts

    WITH AllDiscounts AS (
    SELECT DISTINCT DiscountRate FROM Discounts ), ProductDiscounts AS ( SELECT ProductID, COUNT(DISTINCT DiscountRate) AS DiscountCount FROM Sales INNER JOIN Discounts ON Sales.DiscountID = Discounts.DiscountID GROUP BY ProductID ) SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName FROM Products p INNER JOIN ProductDiscounts pd ON p.ProductID = pd.ProductID WHERE pd.DiscountCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AllDiscounts);
  47. Find the Highest Revenue Day for Each Product

    WITH DailySales AS (
    SELECT ProductID, SaleDate, SUM(SalesAmount) AS DailyRevenue FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID, SaleDate ) SELECT ProductID, SaleDate, DailyRevenue FROM ( SELECT ProductID, SaleDate, DailyRevenue, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY DailyRevenue DESC) AS Rank FROM DailySales ) AS RankedSales WHERE Rank = 1;
  48. Get the Employee Who Has Worked the Longest Consecutive Days

    WITH ConsecutiveDays AS (
    SELECT EmployeeID, WorkDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY WorkDate) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY WorkDate) AS GroupNum FROM WorkHistory ) SELECT EmployeeID, MIN(WorkDate) AS StartDate, MAX(WorkDate) AS EndDate, COUNT(*) AS ConsecutiveDays FROM ConsecutiveDays GROUP BY EmployeeID, GroupNum ORDER BY ConsecutiveDays DESC OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROW ONLY;
  49. Find Customers Who Have Made Purchases in Each Quarter of the Year

    WITH QuarterlyPurchases AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, DATEPART(QUARTER, PurchaseDate) AS Quarter, YEAR(PurchaseDate) AS Year FROM Purchases GROUP BY CustomerID, DATEPART(QUARTER, PurchaseDate), YEAR(PurchaseDate) ) SELECT CustomerID FROM QuarterlyPurchases GROUP BY CustomerID, Year HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT Quarter) = 4;
  50. Find the Average Time Between Orders for Each Customer

    WITH OrderTimes AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, OrderDate, LAG(OrderDate, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY OrderDate) AS PreviousOrderDate FROM Orders ) SELECT CustomerID, AVG(DATEDIFF(DAY, PreviousOrderDate, OrderDate)) AS AvgDaysBetweenOrders FROM OrderTimes WHERE PreviousOrderDate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CustomerID;
  51. Find Products That Have Not Been Purchased in the Last 6 Months

    SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName
    FROM Products p LEFT JOIN Sales s ON p.ProductID = s.ProductID AND s.SaleDate > DATEADD(MONTH, -6, GETDATE()) WHERE s.ProductID IS NULL;
  52. Find the Customers Who Have Spent More Than the Average Purchase Amount

    WITH CustomerTotals AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSpent FROM Sales GROUP BY CustomerID ), AvgSpent AS ( SELECT AVG(TotalSpent) AS AvgAmount FROM CustomerTotals ) SELECT CustomerID, TotalSpent FROM CustomerTotals WHERE TotalSpent > (SELECT AvgAmount FROM AvgSpent);
  53. Find the Most Frequent Product Purchased by Each Customer

    WITH ProductCounts AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, COUNT(*) AS PurchaseCount FROM Sales GROUP BY CustomerID, ProductID ) SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, PurchaseCount FROM ( SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, PurchaseCount, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY PurchaseCount DESC) AS Rank FROM ProductCounts ) AS RankedProducts WHERE Rank = 1;
  54. Find Employees Who Have Not Taken Any Leave in the Last Year

    SELECT e.EmployeeID, e.FirstName
    FROM Employees e LEFT JOIN Leaves l ON e.EmployeeID = l.EmployeeID AND l.LeaveDate > DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE()) WHERE l.EmployeeID IS NULL;
  55. Find the Top 5 Best-Selling Products Each Month

    WITH MonthlySales AS (
    SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, MONTH(SaleDate) AS SaleMonth, ProductID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(SaleDate), MONTH(SaleDate), ProductID ) SELECT SaleYear, SaleMonth, ProductID, TotalSales FROM ( SELECT SaleYear, SaleMonth, ProductID, TotalSales, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY SaleYear, SaleMonth ORDER BY TotalSales DESC) AS Rank FROM MonthlySales ) AS RankedProducts WHERE Rank <= 5;
  56. Calculate the Total and Average Sales for Each Store by Year

    SELECT StoreID, YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales, AVG(SalesAmount) AS AvgSales
    FROM Sales GROUP BY StoreID, YEAR(SaleDate);
  57. Find the Most Recent Transaction for Each Account

    SELECT AccountID, MAX(TransactionDate) AS MostRecentTransaction
    FROM Transactions GROUP BY AccountID;
  58. Find the Top 3 Customers Who Have Spent the Most in Each Product Category

    WITH CustomerSpending AS (
    SELECT c.CustomerID, p.Category, SUM(s.SalesAmount) AS TotalSpent FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Products p ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID INNER JOIN Customers c ON s.CustomerID = c.CustomerID GROUP BY c.CustomerID, p.Category ) SELECT Category, CustomerID, TotalSpent FROM ( SELECT Category, CustomerID, TotalSpent, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Category ORDER BY TotalSpent DESC) AS Rank FROM CustomerSpending ) AS RankedSpending WHERE Rank <= 3;
  59. Find the Most Profitable Month for Each Product

    WITH MonthlyProfits AS (
    SELECT ProductID, YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, MONTH(SaleDate) AS SaleMonth, SUM(Profit) AS TotalProfit FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID, YEAR(SaleDate), MONTH(SaleDate) ) SELECT ProductID, SaleYear, SaleMonth, TotalProfit FROM ( SELECT ProductID, SaleYear, SaleMonth, TotalProfit, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY TotalProfit DESC) AS Rank FROM MonthlyProfits ) AS RankedProfits WHERE Rank = 1;
  60. Find the Longest Consecutive Streak of Sales for Each Product

    WITH SalesStreaks AS (
    SELECT ProductID, SaleDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY SaleDate) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SaleDate) AS StreakGroup FROM Sales ) SELECT ProductID, MIN(SaleDate) AS StartDate, MAX(SaleDate) AS EndDate, COUNT(*) AS StreakLength FROM SalesStreaks GROUP BY ProductID, StreakGroup ORDER BY StreakLength DESC;
  61. Find the Top 5 Customers with the Highest Purchase Frequency

    SELECT TOP 5 CustomerID, COUNT(*) AS PurchaseCount
    FROM Sales GROUP BY CustomerID ORDER BY PurchaseCount DESC;
  62. Find the Most Expensive Purchase for Each Customer

    SELECT CustomerID, MAX(SalesAmount) AS MostExpensivePurchase
    FROM Sales GROUP BY CustomerID;
  63. Find the Average Time Between Purchases for Each Customer

    WITH PurchaseIntervals AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, PurchaseDate, LAG(PurchaseDate, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY PurchaseDate) AS PreviousPurchaseDate FROM Purchases ) SELECT CustomerID, AVG(DATEDIFF(DAY, PreviousPurchaseDate, PurchaseDate)) AS AvgDaysBetweenPurchases FROM PurchaseIntervals WHERE PreviousPurchaseDate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY CustomerID;
  64. Get the Top 5 Customers by Total Revenue in the Last Year

    SELECT TOP 5 CustomerID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue
    FROM Sales WHERE SaleDate > DATEADD(YEAR, -1, GETDATE()) GROUP BY CustomerID ORDER BY TotalRevenue DESC;
  65. Find the Top 5 Products by Revenue in the Last 30 Days

    SELECT TOP 5 ProductID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue
    FROM Sales WHERE SaleDate > DATEADD(DAY, -30, GETDATE()) GROUP BY ProductID ORDER BY TotalRevenue DESC;
  66. Get the Monthly Revenue Growth Rate

    WITH MonthlyRevenue AS (
    SELECT YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, MONTH(SaleDate) AS SaleMonth, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue FROM Sales GROUP BY YEAR(SaleDate), MONTH(SaleDate) ) SELECT SaleYear, SaleMonth, TotalRevenue, LAG(TotalRevenue, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear, SaleMonth) AS PreviousMonthRevenue, (TotalRevenue - LAG(TotalRevenue, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear, SaleMonth)) * 100.0 / LAG(TotalRevenue, 1) OVER (ORDER BY SaleYear, SaleMonth) AS GrowthRate FROM MonthlyRevenue;
  67. Find the Most Popular Product Category for Each Region

    WITH RegionalSales AS (
    SELECT r.Region, p.Category, SUM(s.SalesAmount) AS TotalSales FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Products p ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID INNER JOIN Regions r ON s.RegionID = r.RegionID GROUP BY r.Region, p.Category ) SELECT Region, Category, TotalSales FROM ( SELECT Region, Category, TotalSales, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Region ORDER BY TotalSales DESC) AS Rank FROM RegionalSales ) AS RankedCategories WHERE Rank = 1;
  68. Find the Most Frequent Sales Date

    SELECT TOP 1 SaleDate, COUNT(*) AS Frequency
    FROM Sales GROUP BY SaleDate ORDER BY Frequency DESC;
  69. Find the Customers Who Have Not Made Any Purchases in the Last 6 Months

    SELECT c.CustomerID, c.CustomerName
    FROM Customers c LEFT JOIN Sales s ON c.CustomerID = s.CustomerID AND s.SaleDate > DATEADD(MONTH, -6, GETDATE()) WHERE s.CustomerID IS NULL;
  70. Find the Products with the Highest Average Rating

    SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName, AVG(r.Rating) AS AvgRating
    FROM Products p INNER JOIN Reviews r ON p.ProductID = r.ProductID GROUP BY p.ProductID, p.ProductName ORDER BY AvgRating DESC;
  71. Find the Average Revenue Generated by Each Product Category

    SELECT p.Category, AVG(s.SalesAmount) AS AvgRevenue
    FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Products p ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID GROUP BY p.Category;
  72. Find the Most Recent Review for Each Product

    SELECT ProductID, MAX(ReviewDate) AS MostRecentReview
    FROM Reviews GROUP BY ProductID;
  73. Find the Top 5 Products by Number of Sales

    SELECT TOP 5 ProductID, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales
    FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID ORDER BY NumberOfSales DESC;
  74. Find the Top 5 Customers by Average Order Amount

    WITH CustomerOrders AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, AVG(OrderAmount) AS AvgOrderAmount FROM Orders GROUP BY CustomerID ) SELECT TOP 5 CustomerID, AvgOrderAmount FROM CustomerOrders ORDER BY AvgOrderAmount DESC;
  75. Find the Products That Have Been Sold in Each Store

    SELECT ProductID
  76. Find the Top 5 Regions by Total Sales

    SELECT TOP 5 r.Region, SUM(s.SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
    FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Regions r ON s.RegionID = r.RegionID GROUP BY r.Region ORDER BY TotalSales DESC;
  77. Find the Most Common Product Purchased by Each Customer

    WITH ProductCounts AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, COUNT(*) AS PurchaseCount FROM Sales GROUP BY CustomerID, ProductID ) SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, PurchaseCount FROM ( SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, PurchaseCount, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY PurchaseCount DESC) AS Rank FROM ProductCounts ) AS RankedProducts WHERE Rank = 1;
  78. Find the Total Revenue for Each Store by Month

    SELECT StoreID, YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, MONTH(SaleDate) AS SaleMonth, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue
    FROM Sales GROUP BY StoreID, YEAR(SaleDate), MONTH(SaleDate) ORDER BY StoreID, SaleYear, SaleMonth;
  79. Find the Average Revenue for Each Product Category

    SELECT p.Category, AVG(s.SalesAmount) AS AvgRevenue
    FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Products p ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID GROUP BY p.Category;
  80. Find the Most Popular Store for Each Product

    WITH StoreSales AS (
    SELECT StoreID, ProductID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales FROM Sales GROUP BY StoreID, ProductID ) SELECT ProductID, StoreID, TotalSales FROM ( SELECT ProductID, StoreID, TotalSales, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY TotalSales DESC) AS Rank FROM StoreSales ) AS RankedStores WHERE Rank = 1;
  81. Find the Top 5 Employees by Total Sales Amount

    SELECT TOP 5 EmployeeID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
    FROM Sales GROUP BY EmployeeID ORDER BY TotalSales DESC;
  82. Find the Most Common Product in Each Category

    WITH ProductCounts AS (
    SELECT Category, ProductID, COUNT(*) AS PurchaseCount FROM Sales INNER JOIN Products ON Sales.ProductID = Products.ProductID GROUP BY Category, ProductID ) SELECT Category, ProductID, PurchaseCount FROM ( SELECT Category, ProductID, PurchaseCount, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Category ORDER BY PurchaseCount DESC) AS Rank FROM ProductCounts ) AS RankedProducts WHERE Rank = 1;
  83. Find the Top 5 Products by Number of Reviews

    SELECT TOP 5 ProductID, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfReviews
    FROM Reviews GROUP BY ProductID ORDER BY NumberOfReviews DESC;
  84. Find the Average Time Between Purchases for Each Product

    WITH PurchaseTimes AS (
    SELECT ProductID, PurchaseDate, LAG(PurchaseDate, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY ProductID ORDER BY PurchaseDate) AS PreviousPurchaseDate FROM Purchases ) SELECT ProductID, AVG(DATEDIFF(DAY, PreviousPurchaseDate, PurchaseDate)) AS AvgDaysBetweenPurchases FROM PurchaseTimes WHERE PreviousPurchaseDate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY ProductID;
  85. Find the Most Recent Product Purchased by Each Customer

    SELECT CustomerID, ProductID, MAX(PurchaseDate) AS MostRecentPurchaseDate
    FROM Purchases GROUP BY CustomerID, ProductID;
  86. Find the Top 5 Products by Average Rating

    SELECT TOP 5 ProductID, AVG(Rating) AS AvgRating
    FROM Reviews GROUP BY ProductID ORDER BY AvgRating DESC;
  87. Find the Customers Who Have Purchased the Most Expensive Items

    WITH ExpensivePurchases AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, MAX(SalesAmount) AS MaxPurchaseAmount FROM Sales GROUP BY CustomerID ) SELECT CustomerID, MaxPurchaseAmount FROM ExpensivePurchases WHERE MaxPurchaseAmount = (SELECT MAX(MaxPurchaseAmount) FROM ExpensivePurchases);
  88. Find the Employees with the Most Consecutive Working Days

    WITH ConsecutiveDays AS (
    SELECT EmployeeID, WorkDate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmployeeID ORDER BY WorkDate) - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY WorkDate) AS GroupNum FROM WorkHistory ) SELECT EmployeeID, MIN(WorkDate) AS StartDate, MAX(WorkDate) AS EndDate, COUNT(*) AS ConsecutiveDays FROM ConsecutiveDays GROUP BY EmployeeID, GroupNum ORDER BY ConsecutiveDays DESC;
  89. Find the Total Revenue for Each Region

    SELECT r.Region, SUM(s.SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue
    FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Regions r ON s.RegionID = r.RegionID GROUP BY r.Region;
  90. Find the Products with the Highest Gross Profit

    SELECT ProductID, SUM(Profit) AS TotalGrossProfit
    FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID ORDER BY TotalGrossProfit DESC;
  91. Find the Top 3 Salesperson by Total Sales Amount

    SELECT TOP 3 SalespersonID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalSales
    FROM Sales GROUP BY SalespersonID ORDER BY TotalSales DESC;
  92. Find the Products That Have Not Been Sold in the Last 12 Months

    SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductName
    FROM Products p LEFT JOIN Sales s ON p.ProductID = s.ProductID AND s.SaleDate > DATEADD(MONTH, -12, GETDATE()) WHERE s.ProductID IS NULL;
  93. Find the Average Time Between Customer Purchases

    WITH PurchaseIntervals AS (
    SELECT CustomerID, PurchaseDate, LAG(PurchaseDate, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerID ORDER BY PurchaseDate) AS PreviousPurchaseDate FROM Purchases ) SELECT AVG(DATEDIFF(DAY, PreviousPurchaseDate, PurchaseDate)) AS AvgDaysBetweenPurchases FROM PurchaseIntervals WHERE PreviousPurchaseDate IS NOT NULL;
  94. Find the Total Revenue by Product and Year

    SELECT ProductID, YEAR(SaleDate) AS SaleYear, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue
    FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID, YEAR(SaleDate) ORDER BY ProductID, SaleYear;
  95. Find the Most Profitable Product for Each Region

    WITH RegionalProfits AS (
    SELECT r.Region, p.ProductID, SUM(s.Profit) AS TotalProfit FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Products p ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID INNER JOIN Regions r ON s.RegionID = r.RegionID GROUP BY r.Region, p.ProductID ) SELECT Region, ProductID, TotalProfit FROM ( SELECT Region, ProductID, TotalProfit, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Region ORDER BY TotalProfit DESC) AS Rank FROM RegionalProfits ) AS RankedProducts WHERE Rank = 1;
  96. Find the Total Revenue and Average Revenue per Product

    SELECT ProductID, SUM(SalesAmount) AS TotalRevenue, AVG(SalesAmount) AS AvgRevenue
    FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID;
  97. Find the Total Number of Sales for Each Region

    SELECT r.Region, COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales
    FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Regions r ON s.RegionID = r.RegionID GROUP BY r.Region;
  98. Find the Top 3 Products by Gross Profit

    SELECT TOP 3 ProductID, SUM(Profit) AS GrossProfit
    FROM Sales GROUP BY ProductID ORDER BY GrossProfit DESC;
  99. Find the Average Revenue for Each Region

    SELECT r.Region, AVG(s.SalesAmount) AS AvgRevenue FROM Sales s INNER JOIN Regions r ON s.RegionID = r.RegionID GROUP BY r.Region;
  100. Find the Customers with the Highest Number of Purchases in Each Category

    WITH CategoryPurchases AS (




            COUNT(*) AS PurchaseCount

        FROM Sales s

        INNER JOIN Products p ON s.ProductID = p.ProductID

        INNER JOIN Customers c ON s.CustomerID = c.CustomerID

        GROUP BY c.CustomerID, p.Category






    FROM (





            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Category ORDER BY PurchaseCount DESC) AS Rank

        FROM CategoryPurchases

    ) AS RankedPurchases

    WHERE Rank = 1;
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