August 7, 2024


Physical Science Measurement of length area volume and time

 PHYSICAL SCIENCE Measurement of length, area, volume and time.

Here is an extensive collection of short-answer and objective-type questions and answers on the measurement of length, area, volume, and time. These questions are designed to cover a wide range of concepts relevant to competitive exams in physical science.

Measurement of Length

  1. Q1: What is the SI unit of length?

    A1: Meter (m).

  2. Q2: Convert 5 kilometers to meters.

    A2: 5,000 meters.

  3. Q3: How many centimeters are in a meter?

    A3: 100 centimeters.

  4. Q4: What tool is used to measure small lengths accurately?

    A4: A micrometer screw gauge.

  5. Q5: What is the length of an object that is 3 meters 50 centimeters long?

    A5: 3.5 meters.

  6. Q6: How do you convert millimeters to meters?

    A6: Divide the number of millimeters by 1,000.

  7. Q7: What is the length of a standard classroom in meters if it is 10 meters long?

    A7: 10 meters.

  8. Q8: How many meters are there in 1.5 kilometers?

    A8: 1,500 meters.

  9. Q9: Which instrument is used to measure the diameter of a thin wire?

    A9: A vernier caliper.

  10. Q10: What is the least count of a standard meter scale?

    A10: 1 millimeter (0.001 meters).

Measurement of Area

  1. Q11: What is the SI unit of area?

    A11: Square meter (m²).

  2. Q12: Convert 2 hectares to square meters.

    A12: 20,000 square meters.

  3. Q13: How do you calculate the area of a rectangle?

    A13: Length × Width.

  4. Q14: What is the area of a circle with a radius of 5 meters?

    A14: Ï€×52=78.54\pi \times 5^2 = 78.54 square meters (approx).

  5. Q15: How do you convert square centimeters to square meters?

    A15: Divide the number of square centimeters by 10,000.

  6. Q16: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 6 meters and height of 4 meters?

    A16: 12×6×4=12\frac{1}{2} \times 6 \times 4 = 12 square meters.

  7. Q17: How many square meters are in a square kilometer?

    A17: 1,000,000 square meters.

  8. Q18: What is the area of a square with each side measuring 7 meters?

    A18: 72=497^2 = 49 square meters.

  9. Q19: Convert 500 square feet to square meters.

    A19: Approximately 46.45 square meters.

  10. Q20: How is the area of a parallelogram calculated?

    A20: Base × Height.

Measurement of Volume

  1. Q21: What is the SI unit of volume?

    A21: Cubic meter (m³).

  2. Q22: How many liters are in a cubic meter?

    A22: 1,000 liters.

  3. Q23: What is the volume of a cube with each side measuring 4 meters?

    A23: 43=644^3 = 64 cubic meters.

  4. Q24: How do you convert milliliters to liters?

    A24: Divide the number of milliliters by 1,000.

  5. Q25: What is the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 3 meters and height of 10 meters?

    A25: Ï€×32×10=282.74\pi \times 3^2 \times 10 = 282.74 cubic meters (approx).

  6. Q26: Calculate the volume of a sphere with a radius of 6 meters.

    A26: 43Ï€×63=904.32\frac{4}{3} \pi \times 6^3 = 904.32 cubic meters (approx).

  7. Q27: How many cubic centimeters are there in a liter?

    A27: 1,000 cubic centimeters.

  8. Q28: What is the volume of a rectangular prism with dimensions 5m × 3m × 2m?

    A28: 5×3×2=305 \times 3 \times 2 = 30 cubic meters.

  9. Q29: Convert 2.5 gallons to liters (1 gallon = 3.785 liters).

    A29: 9.46 liters.

  10. Q30: What is the volume of a cone with a radius of 4 meters and height of 9 meters?

    A30: 13Ï€×42×9=452.39\frac{1}{3} \pi \times 4^2 \times 9 = 452.39 cubic meters (approx).

Measurement of Time

  1. Q31: What is the SI unit of time?

    A31: Second (s).

  2. Q32: Convert 3 hours to seconds.

    A32: 10,800 seconds.

  3. Q33: How many milliseconds are there in a second?

    A33: 1,000 milliseconds.

  4. Q34: What is the conversion factor from minutes to seconds?

    A34: Multiply by 60.

  5. Q35: How many hours are there in a day?

    A35: 24 hours.

  6. Q36: What is the duration of 2 hours 30 minutes in minutes?

    A36: 150 minutes.

  7. Q37: Convert 5 days to hours.

    A37: 120 hours.

  8. Q38: How many seconds are in 1.5 minutes?

    A38: 90 seconds.

  9. Q39: How many weeks are in a year?

    A39: Approximately 52 weeks.

  10. Q40: What is the time conversion factor from hours to seconds?

    A40: Multiply by 3,600.

Mixed Questions (Length, Area, Volume, Time)

  1. Q41: Convert 500 square meters to hectares.

    A41: 0.05 hectares.

  2. Q42: What is the volume of a cuboid with dimensions 4m × 5m × 6m?

    A42: 120 cubic meters.

  3. Q43: How many liters are in a volume of 2 cubic meters?

    A43: 2,000 liters.

  4. Q44: Calculate the area of a circle with a diameter of 10 meters.

    A44: Ï€×52=78.54\pi \times 5^2 = 78.54 square meters (approx).

  5. Q45: How many seconds are there in 3 hours 45 minutes?

    A45: 13,500 seconds.

  6. Q46: Convert 250 millimeters to centimeters.

    A46: 25 centimeters.

  7. Q47: What is the area of a square plot with each side measuring 12 meters?

    A47: 122=14412^2 = 144 square meters.

  8. Q48: How many cubic feet are in 1 cubic meter?

    A48: Approximately 35.31 cubic feet.

  9. Q49: Convert 7.5 liters to cubic centimeters.

    A49: 7,500 cubic centimeters.

  10. Q50: What is the time in hours for 5,000 seconds?

    A50: Approximately 1.39 hours.

  11. Q51: How many square feet are in 1,000 square meters?

    A51: Approximately 10,764 square feet.

  12. Q52: What is the volume of a tank that holds 500 liters of water in cubic meters?

    A52: 0.5 cubic meters.

  13. Q53: Convert 120 minutes into hours.

    A53: 2 hours.

  14. Q54: How many cubic inches are in a cubic meter?

    A54: Approximately 61,024 cubic inches.

  15. Q55: What is the area of a trapezoid with bases 8m and 5m, and height 4m?

    A55: 12×(8+5)×4=26\frac{1}{2} \times (8 + 5) \times 4 = 26 square meters.

  16. Q56: Convert 3.5 hours into minutes.

    A56: 210 minutes.

  17. Q57: What is the length of a pipe that has a volume of 50 cubic meters and a diameter of 2 meters?

    A57: Approximately 15.92 meters (using L=VÏ€r2L = \frac{V}{\pi r^2}).

  18. Q58: Calculate the area of a rectangle with length 20 cm and width 15 cm.

    A58: 20×15=30020 \times 15 = 300 square centimeters.

  19. Q59: How many cubic meters are in 500 liters?

    A59: 0.5 cubic meters.

  20. Q60: What is the volume of a box measuring 2 meters × 3 meters × 4 meters?

    A60: 24 cubic meters.

  21. Q61: Convert 2.5 liters to milliliters.

    A61: 2,500 milliliters.

  22. Q62: How many hours are in 6,000 seconds?

    A62: 1.67 hours.

  23. Q63: What is the area of a rectangle with length 25 meters and width 10 meters?

    A63: 250 square meters.

  24. Q64: How many seconds are in 2.5 hours?

    A64: 9,000 seconds.

  25. Q65: Convert 500 square inches to square centimeters.

    A65: Approximately 3,225 square centimeters.

  26. Q66: What is the volume of a cylinder with a radius of 2 meters and height of 5 meters?

    A66: Ï€×22×5=62.83\pi \times 2^2 \times 5 = 62.83 cubic meters (approx).

  27. Q67: Calculate the time in minutes for 720 seconds.

    A67: 12 minutes.

  28. Q68: How many liters are there in a cubic centimeter?

    A68: 0.001 liters.

  29. Q69: What is the area of a circle with a circumference of 31.4 meters?

    A69: πr2=31.424π=78.54\pi r^2 = \frac{31.4^2}{4\pi} = 78.54 square meters (approx).

  30. Q70: Convert 250 cubic meters to liters.

    A70: 250,000 liters.

  31. Q71: How many hours are in 150 minutes?

    A71: 2.5 hours.

  32. Q72: What is the volume of a cone with height 7 meters and radius 3 meters?

    A72: 13Ï€×32×7=197.92\frac{1}{3} \pi \times 3^2 \times 7 = 197.92 cubic meters (approx).

  33. Q73: Convert 2,000 milliliters to liters.

    A73: 2 liters.

  34. Q74: How many square meters are in a 10,000 square centimeter area?

    A74: 1 square meter.

  35. Q75: What is the length of a rope if it measures 300 centimeters?

    A75: 3 meters.

  36. Q76: Calculate the volume of a sphere with a radius of 3 meters.

    A76: 43Ï€×33=113.10\frac{4}{3} \pi \times 3^3 = 113.10 cubic meters (approx).

  37. Q77: How many days are there in 2 weeks?

    A77: 14 days.

  38. Q78: Convert 10 cubic feet to cubic meters.

    A78: Approximately 0.283 cubic meters.

  39. Q79: What is the area of a square with a side of 8 meters?

    A79: 82=648^2 = 64 square meters.

  40. Q80: Convert 100 liters to cubic meters.

    A80: 0.1 cubic meters.

  41. Q81: How many hours are in 2.5 days?

    A81: 60 hours.

  42. Q82: Calculate the volume of a rectangular prism with dimensions 3 m × 4 m × 5 m.

    A82: 60 cubic meters.

  43. Q83: What is the area of a parallelogram with a base of 7 meters and height of 5 meters?

    A83: 7×5=357 \times 5 = 35 square meters.

  44. Q84: Convert 4 hours 15 minutes to minutes.

    A84: 255 minutes.

  45. Q85: How many cubic centimeters are in a liter?

    A85: 1,000 cubic centimeters.

  46. Q86: What is the area of a triangle with a base of 9 meters and height of 6 meters?

    A86: 12×9×6=27\frac{1}{2} \times 9 \times 6 = 27 square meters.

  47. Q87: Convert 3 days to hours.

    A87: 72 hours.

  48. Q88: What is the volume of a box with dimensions 2 meters × 3 meters × 2 meters?

    A88: 12 cubic meters.

  49. Q89: How many square meters are there in 1,500 square feet?

    A89: Approximately 139.35 square meters.

  50. Q90: Convert 3 liters to cubic centimeters.

    A90: 3,000 cubic centimeters.

  51. Q91: What is the length of an object that is 1 meter 75 centimeters long?

    A91: 1.75 meters.

  52. Q92: How many square meters are in a hectare?

    A92: 10,000 square meters.

  53. Q93: What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 2 meters?

    A93: 43Ï€×23=33.51\frac{4}{3} \pi \times 2^3 = 33.51 cubic meters (approx).

  54. Q94: Convert 8 gallons to liters (1 gallon = 3.785 liters).

    A94: Approximately 30.28 liters.

  55. Q95: What is the area of a rectangle with length 12 cm and width 5 cm?

    A95: 60 square centimeters.

  56. Q96: Calculate the volume of a cylinder with a height of 10 cm and a radius of 5 cm.

    A96: Ï€×52×10=785.4\pi \times 5^2 \times 10 = 785.4 cubic centimeters (approx).

  57. Q97: How many hours are there in 90 minutes?

    A97: 1.5 hours.

  58. Q98: Convert 2 cubic meters to liters.

    A98: 2,000 liters.

  59. Q99: What is the area of a circle with a radius of 3 meters?

    A99: Ï€×32=28.27\pi \times 3^2 = 28.27 square meters (approx).

  60. Q100: How many seconds are there in 1 hour 20 minutes?

    A100: 4,800 seconds.

  61. Q101: Calculate the time in seconds for 1.5 hours.

    A101: 5,400 seconds.

  62. Q102: What is the volume of a cube with side length 10 centimeters?

    A102: 103=1,00010^3 = 1,000 cubic centimeters.

  63. Q103: Convert 0.5 liters to cubic meters.

    A103: 0.0005 cubic meters.

  64. Q104: What is the area of a hexagon with side length 5 meters?

    A104: 332×5264.95\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2} \times 5^2 \approx 64.95 square meters.

  65. Q105: How many square inches are there in a square meter?

    A105: Approximately 1,550 square inches.

These questions and answers provide a thorough overview of the measurement concepts in length, area, volume, and time, covering conversions, calculations, and practical applications.
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