June 12, 2019


Microsoft Azure Latest Interview Questions Answers

Microsoft Azure Freshers Advanced Experienced level Latest Interview Questions Answers

What are the differences between Azure Service Manager and Azure Resource Manager?

Ans: ASM uses XML REST API and ARM uses JSON REST API. In ASM, it is difficult to delete the resources which have been created and in ARM we can easily group to delete the resources. ASM supports only specific PaaS workloads and in ARM it supports all workloads of PaaS.

Provide few Advantages of Resource Group?

Ans: In Resource Manager, we could easily maintain all the services which have been created under a single resource group which could be segregated by application wise if required. If we required deleting the services, instead of deleting one by one, we can able to delete all the services in a single click by deleting the resource group. To provide a permission of individual service, we could provide a permission to the resource group, whereas provided permission will be implemented to all the services.

Could we able to move the services from one Resource Group to Another?

Ans: Yes, we could be able to move the services from One resource group to another if that subscription has a permission to do it with respective services.

Is that possible to migrate the services from one Subscription to Another Subscription?
Ans: Yes, it could be possible to move the services from one to another only if both the subscriptions are available in the same Azure Active Directory Tenant.

Could we able to move Express Route / Managed Disks / Application Gateway to another subscription or Resource Group?
Ans: No, we couldn’t be able to since these are dependency services.

Is there any possibility to change an Instance Size once the Virtual Machine has been created?
Ans: Yes, we can. By navigating to Size under settings option, we could be able to change the instance type to higher or lower configurations.

If this CIDR is provided in the Address Space under a Virtual Network, how many subnets we could be able to create?

Ans: 256 Subnets can be created.

What is Gateway Subnet?

Ans: If one Virtual Network needs to establish a communication to another, Gateway Subnet is being required.

What is the best solution to handle application performance without manual intervention?
Ans: We could provision a Virtual Machines under VM Scale Sets by defining the policy which would handle loads of application by provisioning a new Virtual Machine automatically.

Can we able to restrict database port number to communicate only to Application Server?
Ans: Yes, that could be possible in Network Security Group.

If I have more than 3 application servers, I require the database port number needs to communicate to all the 3 application servers. How could be possible?

Ans: I will provide the Application Subnet ranges in Network Security Group on Database Port number rule.
Microsoft Azure Latest Interview Questions Answers
Microsoft Azure Latest Interview Questions Answers

What are the types of Virtual Network Gateway?

Ans: VPN & Express Route. In VPN, there is Site to Site, Multi-Site & Point to Site.

In AWS we are using Elastic Beanstalk for deploying an application automatically. What is the similar feature provided in Azure?

Ans: Under App Services, we could use WebApps for deploying an application automatically.

If I need to execute the code without a server, what is the best solution does Azure offering?
Ans: Azure Functions could be used to execute the code with serverless.

Provide few Azure PaaS services?

Ans: Web Apps, Mobile Apps, Logic Apps, Azure Functions, Web Jobs, CDN, etc.

In Application Gateway, could I able to add a TCP Port as an Endpoint/backend port?
Ans: No, Application Gateway Supports only HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, and WebSocket.

What are the features supported in an Application Gateway?

Ans: It supports URL-based routing, Redirection, Multiple-site hosting, Session affinity, SSL termination, Web application firewall, WebSocket and HTTP/2 traffic.

Difference between Azure Load Balancer and Application Gateway?
Ans: Load Balancer runs in Transport Layer, whereas Application Gateway runs in Layer 7.

Could I able to get a Public IP address or DNS for Azure Internal Load Balancer?

Ans: No, Azure Internal Load Balancer supports only Private IP address and we couldn’t be able to assign the Public IP / DNS name.

What is the best feature is used for handling failover between regions in Azure?

Ans: Using Traffic Manager, we could handle failover within the regions.

Could I able to use same Virtual Network Gateway for both VPN & Express Route?

Ans: No, Virtual Network Gateway needs to be created separately for different types.

I have an application running in my On-Premises and I had backed up the environment to Azure East US region. If On-Premises application failed to access, could I able to switch to Azure environment?
Ans: Yes, using Site Recovery, we could handle fail over and fail back to On-Premises and Azure environment.

Could I able to maintain/manage my On-Premises Active Directory using Azure Active Directory?

Ans: Yes, using Azure AD Connect Health we could monitor the actions which are performed in your On-Premises Active Directory.

I have IIS Web Server running on two Windows Machine with different port numbers like 80 & 81. Could I able to map these servers in Azure Load Balancer?

Ans: Yes, we could able to do that by creating separate Load Balancer Rules in Azure.

In AWS, maintenance is handled by Availability Zone wise. Any Idea about maintenance in Azure?
Ans: In Azure, maintenance is handled by region wise.

Could I able to use custom Images / Private Images for VM Scale Sets using Portal?
Ans: No. At present, there is no option to use private Images in VM Scale Sets using Portal and same could be achieved in CLI / PowerShell / Template.

Is there any possibility to add more than one Private IP Address for single Virtual Machine?
Ans: Yes. By adding NIC, we could able to attach more than one Private IP Address for one Virtual Machine.

I have 10 Virtual Machines and I would require a common file sharing between all these Virtual Machines. What will be the best feature recommended to achieve this?
Ans: Azure File System could be used as a common repository which shares the data with all these Virtual Machines using SMB, NFS & FTPS.

Does Oracle as a Database Service Available in Azure?

Ans: No, Azure doesn’t have a Database as a Service for Oracle.

If I want to distribute a Website which is available in Storage Container without replicating, what is the recommended solution?

Ans: Using CDN Profiles, we can distribute the content across the globe and latency will be reduced by delivering the content from Edge Location instead of reaching the original server.

Does Geo Replication support in PostgreSQL Database service which is offered by Azure?

Ans: At present, there is no support on Geo-Replication for PostgreSQL and it may be in Azure Road Map.

If the transaction between my Application Server and Database Server are delayed due to Disk IOPS. What is the solution to avoid this issue?

Ans: We could use any Database as a Service offered by Azure. Or else, using Redis Cache, we could feed the frequent accessible data in it and map the Redis URL into Application as the first point of contact to store/retrieve the information.

Could I able to login to Linux Virtual Machine without a password?

Ans: Yes, using Key Vault mapping to anyone Admin VM, we could be able to login to another Virtual Machine without a Password.

What is the best feature for monitoring an Azure environment?

Ans: Using OMS / Log Analytics, we could monitor the Virtual Machines which are running in Azure.

With respect to monitoring an Application, what is the best feature?

Ans: Using Application Insights, we could monitor application transactions and performance.

Could I able to use an OTP / Call / Email as an additional authentication for logging into my Azure Portal apart from Password?
Ans: Yes, using Multi-Factor Authentication, we could be able to authenticate our Azure Portal for secured login.

Is there any possibility to connect with Private IP Address of one Virtual Machine from the different virtual network in another region?

Ans: Yes, using Peer to Peer connection or VNet to VNet peering, we could be able to connect with Private IP address of another region Virtual Machine.

I want to distribute two or three Azure accounts to my internal teams without creating a new account. How is that possible?

Ans: We could create a new AD / IAM user by providing certain privileges to access the services.

One Production Virtual Machine has been deleted without deleting the disk. Is there any chance to retrieve the Virtual Machine?

Ans: Yes, if the OS Disk / Attached disk is not deleted during Virtual Machine deletion, we can able to retrieve the machines.

I want to monitor all the sub-user / IAM user activities. What is the best solution?

Ans: Using Operational Insights, Administrator could be able to monitor all the user actions on Azure services.

Could I able to reserve the MAC Address / ID of Virtual Machines even if I stop the VM?

Ans: Yes, MAC Address / ID could be reserved/retained same even though if we stop the VM. But it will be released if we terminate the VM.

What is the maximum size of single disk supported for Virtual Machine?

Ans: Up-to 4 TB we could create and attach it to the Virtual Machine for one disk.

Could I able to do Vertical Scaling of a Virtual Machine?

Ans: Yes, Instance type/flavor of the Virtual Machine can be changed at any point of time.

Is there a way to do stop/start of a Virtual Machines automatically?

Ans: Yes, using an Automation Accounts & Run Books it can be achieved.

I created one Virtual Machine without selecting any Availability Set. Is there any option to attach to an Availability Set, without terminating the Virtual Machine?

Ans: No, currently there is no option to attach an existing Virtual Machines with an Availability Set once the Virtual Machines are created.

Provide us few ways for provisioning an Azure service without using the portal?

Ans: Using CLI, ARM Template, PowerShell, API & SDK we could provide a service without logging into the portal.

What is an Advantages of PFX or certificates in Azure?

Ans: If any REST API is being used to provide a service, these certificates are being used for authentication.

I uploaded a zip file in Blob container and I couldn’t be able to download it. What is the reason for it?

Ans: After uploading any data, we want to make sure certain private/public access has been provided for that data/blob container.

My Application load is high and there is no man support on the floor. Is there any feature available in Azure to stop this issue?

Ans: Using VM Scale Sets, by defining the proper condition it is possible to provision a new Virtual Machine whenever load increases in my application.

What is Blue / Green Model?

Ans: To maintain a zero downtime during Upgrade activities, we could use this Blue & Green model for swapping the Production environments to a Staging environment.

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