October 15, 2018


CyberArk Most Frequently Asked C++ Interview Questions Answers

What Are The Effects After Calling The Delete This Operator ?

It is difficult for the compiler to know whether an object is allocated on a stack or a heap. On invoking the delete this operator, the destructor is called twice on the object related to the current context. Firstly implicitly and secondly explicitly. It results in undefined behavior and error-prone conditions. The delete this operator can only work on three conditions

 An Instantiation of a local variable should not take place, after calling the delete this destructor.
 The this pointer should not be used after calling the delete this operator.
 The object of a derived class should be allocated and initialized with the new operator

Can We Get The Value Of Ios Format Flags?

Yes! The ios::flags( ) member function gives the value format flags. This function takes no arguments and returns a long ( typedefed to fmtflags) that contains the current format flags.

Is There Any Function That Can Skip Certain Number Of Characters Present In The Input Stream?

Yes! This can be done using cin::ignore( ) function. The prototype of this function is as shown below

istream& ignore ( int n = 1, int d =EOF );
Sometimes it happens that some extra characters are left in the input stream while taking the input such as, the '\n' (Enter) character. This extra character is then passed to the next input and may pose problem.

To get rid of such extra characters the cin::ignore( ) function is used. This is equivalent to fflush ( stdin ) used in C language. This function ignores the first n characters (if present) in the input stream, stops if delimiter d is encountered.

When Should Overload New Operator On A Global Basis Or A Class Basis?

We overload operator new in our program, when we want to initialize a data item or a class object at the same place where it has been allocated memory. The following example shows how to overload new operator on global basis.

void * operator new ( size_t s )
   void *q = malloc ( s ) ;
   return q ;
void main( )
  int *p = new int ;
  *p = 25 ;
  cout << *p ;

When the operator new is overloaded on global basis it becomes impossible to initialize the data members of a class as different classes may have different types of data members. The following example shows how to overload new operator on class-by-class basis.
class sample
  int i ;
     void* operator new ( size_t s, int ii )
       sample *q = ( sample * ) malloc ( s ) ;
       q -> i = ii ;
       return q ;
} ;
class sample1
   float f ;
   void* operator new ( size_t s, float ff )
     sample1 *q = ( sample1 * ) malloc ( s ) ;
     q -> f = ff ;
     return q ;
 } ;
void main( )
  sample *s = new ( 7 ) sample ;
  sample1 *s1 = new ( 5.6f ) sample1 ;
Overloading the operator new on class-by-class basis makes it possible to allocate memory for an object and initialize its data members at the same place.
CyberArk Most Frequently Asked C++ Interview Questions Answers
CyberArk Most Frequently Asked C++ Interview Questions Answers

How To Give An Alternate Name To A Namespace?

An alternate name given to namespace is called a namespace-alias. namespace-alias is generally used to save the typing effort when the names of namespaces are very long or complex. The following syntax is used to give an alias to a namespace.

namespace myname = my_old_very_long_name ;

Define A Pointer To A Data Member Of The Type Pointer To Pointer?

The following program demonstrates this...

class sample
    sample ( int **pp )
      p = pp ;
    int **p ;
} ;
int **sample::*ptr = &sample::p ;
void main( )
  int i = 9 ;
  int *pi = &i ;
  sample s ( Ï€ ) ;
  cout << ** ( s.*ptr ) ;

Using A Smart Pointer Can We Iterate Through A Container?

Yes. A container is a collection of elements or objects. It helps to properly organize and store the data. Stacks, linked lists, arrays are examples of containers. Following program shows how to iterate through a container using a smart pointer.

class smartpointer
     int *p ; // ordinary pointer
     smartpointer ( int n )
       p = new int [ n ] ;
       int *t = p ;
       for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 9 ; i++ )
         *t++ = i * i ;
     int* operator ++ ( int )
       return p++ ;
     int operator * ( )
       return *p ;
} ;
void main( )
   smartpointer sp ( 10 ) ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 9 ; i++ )
     cout << *sp++ << endl ;
Here, sp is a smart pointer. When we say *sp, the operator * ( ) function gets called. It returns the integer being pointed to by p. When we say sp++ the operator ++ ( ) function gets called. It increments p to point to the next element in the array and then returns the address of this new location.

Is It Possible For The Objects To Read And Write Themselves?

Yes! This can be explained with the help of following example

class employee
     char name [ 20 ] ;
     int age ;
     float salary ;
     void getdata( )
       cout << "Enter name, age and salary of employee : " ;
       cin >> name >> age >> salary ;
     void store( )
       ofstream file ;
       file.open ( "EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::app | ios::binary ) ;
       file.write ( ( char * ) this, sizeof ( *this ) ) ;
       file.close( ) ;
     void retrieve ( int n )
       ifstream file ;
       file.open ( "EMPLOYEE.DAT", ios::binary ) ;
       file.seekg ( n * sizeof ( employee ) ) ;
       file.read ( ( char * ) this, sizeof ( *this ) ) ;
       file.close( ) ;
     void show( )
       cout << "Name : " << name
       << endl << "Age : " << age
       << endl << "Salary :" << salary << endl ;
} ;
void main( )
   employee e [ 5 ] ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; i <= 4 ; i++ )
     e [ i ].getdata( ) ;
     e [ i ].store( ) ;
   for ( i = 0 ; i <= 4 ; i++ )
     e [ i ].retrieve ( i ) ;
     e [ i ].show( ) ;
Here, employee is the class whose objects can write and read themselves. The getdata( ) function has been used to get the data of employee and store it in the data members name, age and salary. The store( ) function is used to write an object to the file. In this function a file has been opened in append mode and each time data of current object has been stored after the last record (if any) in the file.Function retrieve( ) is used to get the data of a particular employee from the file. This retrieved data has been stored in the data members name, age and salary. Here this has been used to store data since it contains the address of the current object. The function show( ) has been used to display the data of employee.

Why Is It Necessary To Use A Reference In The Argument To The Copy Constructor?

If we pass the copy constructor the argument by value, its copy would get constructed using the copy constructor. This means the copy constructor would call itself to make this copy. This process would go on and on until the compiler runs out of memory. This can be explained with the help of following example

class sample
   int i ;
   sample ( sample p )
     i = p.i ;
} ;
void main( )
   sample s ;
   sample s1 ( s ) ;
While executing the statement sample s1 ( s ), the copy constructor would get called. As the copy construct here accepts a value, the value of s would be passed which would get collected in p. We can think of this statement as sample p = s. Here p is getting created and initialized. Means again the copy constructor would get called. This would result into recursive calls. Hence we must use a reference as an argument in a copy constructor.

What Is C++?

Released in 1985, C++ is an object-oriented programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ maintains almost all aspects of the C language, while simplifying memory management and adding several features - including a new datatype known as a class (you will learn more about these later) - to allow object-oriented programming. C++ maintains the features of C which allowed for low-level memory access but also gives the programmer new tools to simplify memory management.

C++ used for
C++ is a powerful general-purpose programming language. It can be used to create small programs or large applications. It can be used to make CGI scripts or console-only DOS programs. C++ allows you to create programs to do almost anything you need to do. The creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, has put together a partial list of applications written in C++.

What Is A Modifier In C++?

A modifier, also called a modifying function is a member function that changes the value of at least one data member. In other words, an operation that modifies the state of an object. Modifiers are also known as 'mutators'. Example: The function mod is a modifier in the following code snippet

class test
int  x,y;
x=0; y=0;
void mod()
{  x=10;

What Is An Accessor In C++?

An accessor is a class operation that does not modify the state of an object in C++. The accessor functions need to be declared as const operations.

Differentiate Between A Template Class And Class Template In C++?

Template class:  A generic definition or a parameterized class not instantiated until the client provides the needed information. It's jargon for plain templates.

Class template: A class template specifies how individual classes can be constructed much like the way a class specifies how individual objects can be constructed. It's jargon for plain classes.

When Does A Name Clash Occur In C++?

A name clash occurs when a name is defined in more than one place. For example., two different class libraries could give two different classes the same name. If you try to use many class libraries at the same time, there is a fair chance that you will be unable to compile or link the program because of name clashes.

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