March 11, 2018


How To Create Controllers in ASP.NET MVC Applications

How To Create Controllers and Action Methods in ASP.NET MVC Applications.

In this Article we will discuss about controllers in ASP.NET MVC.

The ASP.NET MVC framework maps URLs to classes that are referred to as controllers. Controllers process incoming requests, handle user input and interactions, and execute appropriate application logic. A controller class typically calls a separate view component to generate the HTML markup for the request.

The base class for all controllers is the ControllerBase class, which provides general MVC handling. The Controller class inherits from ControllerBase and is the default implement of a controller. The Controller class is responsible for the following processing stages:
  • Locating the appropriate action method to call and validating that it can be called.
  • Getting the values to use as the action method's arguments.
  • Handling all errors that might occur during the execution of the action method.
  • Providing the default WebFormViewEngine class for rendering ASP.NET page types (views).

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