March 23, 2019


Simple Health Fitness Tips for Working Women

Home Work Grocery Shopping Handling the children, In life’s daily grind, what suffers most in a women’s routine is exercise. If just reading on exercise, diet plans and fitness helped, we would be a very fit lot indeed, given the plethora of articles on the subject.

Unfortunately, fitness requires special time to be set aside and more importantly hard work. However, if you find that you face a time crunch for regular exercise, there are various activities that can be incorporated into your daily routine that will go a long way towards increasing health and fitness levels.

1: Stay active throughout the day

Walk and talk with a hands-free as much as possible, stand up maybe during meetings, or keep standing while working if you do not have much typing work to do. Take a short walk during your lunch break, take short breaks every half hour where you walk around for a minute and then get back to your desk. The options are there, you just have to make up your mind and do it.

Simple Health Fitness Tips for Working Women
Simple Health Fitness Tips for Working Women

2: Store your house with healthy snacks

Even if you have the habit of snacking throughout the day, healthy snacks will come to your rescue, instead of harming your health. So, stock up with all the healthy snacks to stay away from various lifestyle diseases.

3: Create an effective exercise pattern

Choose an exercise pattern according to your own convenience. Try adapting to strength training, for at least 20 minutes at least twice a week or interval training like walking or running which will help to tone your entire body.

4: Eat a good breakfast

Working women should also maintain a proper diet with the workouts in order to stay healthy. Include lots of fresh fruits in your breakfast, as fresh fruits that contain glucose will help to keep sweet cravings at bay. With fresh fruits you can also include some dry fruits in your breakfast for energy.

5: Turn on the magic of treadmill

Just do a 10 minutes treadmill session along with holding a 3-5 pound dumbbell in each hand. Set the speed to brisk walk. Do one-minute set each of biceps curls, triceps extensions, side laterals, and standing triceps one after another as you walk. This exercise will tone your upper body as well as pump your heart smoothly.

6: Crunches technique

Most of the times, women tend to use their neck muscles more than their abs when they do crunches. This practice is completely a waste of time. Instead focus back to your abdominal muscles by pressing your tongue flush against the roof of your mouth before starting your crunches.

7: Drink lots of water

Enough water is very essential for the proper functioning of your body. Keep drinking water at regular intervals, so that you don't de-hydrate yourself.

8: Chart your progress

To stay focused and motivated, make a fitness report card for your own reference. Jot down the subjects as various workouts you will be trying out, and grade yourself as you progress. This will help you to be motivated and will help you to notice various improvements.

9: Reduce refined carbs intake

Limit your refined carb rich foods like cookies, chocolates, honey and white rice. When you eat a refined carb rich food, it will spike your blood sugar level and further will produce more insulin which will increase the fat in your body.

10: Never overdo anything

Women need not more than an hour of health and fitness training. Hence, never over do any form of exercise as doing extra exercises or spending more time in the gym, will just make you tired and exhausted. Hence, focus on limited exercises within a certain time frame to make your training session fun and effective.

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